Upon completing their studies, students should possess a thorough interdisciplinary understanding of ocean science, conservation, and innovation, demonstrated through a poster and a dossier that reflects on the integration of various learned elements into a cohesive understanding.

program: Science & Society
code name: CAPS4
module family: #Personal development
credits: 3 ECTS
semester: Spring (semester 4)



Students should

  • demonstrate the ability to seamlessly integrate and synthesize complex interdisciplinary knowledge from marine science, socio-economics, and innovation
  • exhibit advanced reflective skills by critically evaluating the interconnectedness and application of the knowledge they have acquired throughout their studies.
  • use their findings to propose innovative solutions or new perspectives on existing challenges in ocean science, conservation, and innovation
  • effectively communicate their integrated interdisciplinary knowledge through visual and written mediums.


  • Poster
  • Dossier

The other semester 4 modules