One of the fundamental aims of the IdEx (Université Côte d'Azur Excellence Initiative) is to create and anchor a new world-class university on the Côte d'Azur. This would focus on intensive research and have a strong international influence, while maintaining a solid connection with the region.


In order to achieve its objectives, the IdEx has developed an ambitious research programme, including various schemes aimed at junior and senior researchers and lecturers. The schemes and initiatives in the IdEx research programme have been put in place to attract the best researchers, doctoral students and professors.

In addition to traditional funding (Ministry, ANR, regional funding, Europe, etc.), the IdEx offers partial or full funding opportunities, as well as highly competitive remuneration packages and working conditions. The aim is to create a leverage effect that benefits the whole community. For example, in 2023, of the 18 new research fellows who chose the Université Côte d'Azur site as their first place of employment, 5 were post-docs who had benefited from IdEx support.

Programme recherche de l'IdEx
Programme recherche de l'IdEx



Although the IdEx supports research excellence in all disciplines, we have actively promoted interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. We have also identified certain priority thematic fields based on the strategic research programmes of the university's research activities and those of its partners on the site:

Mathematics - Quantum technologies - Biocontrol - Earth and universe sciences - Ageing and well-being - Arts and sciences - Tourism - Socio-environmental challenges - Risks in the Mediterranean region - Digital health - Flavours and fragrances - Marine resources - Challenges and impacts of new 5G/6G programmable networks - Intelligent mobility and automated vehicles. Intelligent Mobility and Automated Vehicles - Innovative Materials - Signals and Waves - Economics of Innovation in Artificial Intelligence - Impacts and Challenges of Globalisation - Creative Industries - Cultural Heritage - Environment and Health - Concept of the Exposome - Therapeutic Innovations - Robotics - Ionic Channels - Biological Signalling Pathways.


C. Bouveyron

Professeur de mathématiques appliquées (statistiques et IA) à Université Côte d’Azur, Charles Bouveyron est titulaire de la Chaire Inria en Data Sciences. Il est chercheur et directeur associé de l’Institut 3IA Côte d’Azur. Membre de l'équipe Epione et responsable de l'équipe Maasai à l'Inria Sophia-Antipolis. Ses intérêts de recherche incluent l'apprentissage statistique (clustering, classification, régression) en hautes dimensions, l'apprentissage statistique adaptatif (étiquettes incertaines, distributions évolutives, détection de nouveautés). Apprentissage statistique sur réseaux, données fonctionnelles et données hétérogènes et applications de l'apprentissage statistique (médecine, analyse d'images, chimiométrie, sciences humaines, ...).

Charles Bouveyron
Charles Bouveyron

S. Nazarenko

Sergey Nazarenko est directeur de recherche CNRS à Université Côte d'Azur. Ses recherches portent sur la dynamique des fluides, la turbulence, les vagues, y compris la turbulence des vagues, la turbulence magnéto-hydrodynamique, la turbulence superfluidique, les vagues d'eau, les vagues de Rossby, les tourbillons et les jets dans les fluides géophysiques, les ondes de dérive et les jets zonaux dans les plasmas, les tourbillons optiques et la turbulence, et la turbulence dans les condensats de Bose-Einstein.

En 2019, il a reçu, avec Giorgio Krstulovic, chercheur CNRS au laboratoire J.L. Lagrange, une bourse de recherche de 8 millions de la Fondation Simons de New York pour étudier la turbulence des vagues. Des chercheurs en mathématiques et en physique seront impliqués dans cette recherche interdisciplinaire et internationale visant à comprendre et expliquer la turbulence des ondes.

Serguey Nazarenko
Serguey Nazarenko

J.P. Ampuero

Jean-Paul Ampuero est directeur de recherche IRD à Université Côte d'Azur. Ancien professeur de sismologie au laboratoire de sismologie du California Institute of Technology (CalTech), ses recherches visent principalement à comprendre la physique des tremblements de terre, en combinant des approches théoriques, informatiques et observationnelles. Il s'intéresse aussi largement à l'évaluation, à la prévention et à l'atténuation des risques sismiques, en particulier dans les grandes zones urbaines proches des zones de subduction, comme au Pérou, son pays d'origine.

Jean-Paul Ampuero
Jean-Paul Ampuero

F. Castellaneta

Francesco Castellaneta est professeur de stratégie et entrepreneuriat à Université Côte d'Azur et à SKEMA Business School. Ses recherches visent à comprendre comment les organisations commerciales utilisent, acquièrent, construisent et protègent leurs ressources dans le contexte de stratégies complexes.

Francesco Castellaneta
Francesco Castellaneta

E. A. Erosheva
Elena A. Erosheva est professeur de statistiques et travail social à l'Université de Washington et invitée pour 12 mois à Université Côte d'Azur.
Elena A. Erosheva
Elena A. Erosheva

G. Lewkovicz

Gregory Lewkovicz, professeur de droit à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles et invité pour 12 mois à Université Côte d'Azur. 

K. Benyekhlef

Karim Benyekhlef est professeur de droit à l'Université de Montréal. Il a été titulaire de la Chaire d'excellence et invité longue durée de DL4T financé par l'IDEX.

K. Sigloch
Karin Sigloch is a CNRS research director at Université Côte d'Azur. Her research focuses on the internal structures and dynamics of the earth, from surface to core. Her main tool is seismic tomography, which provides 3D images of the internal structure of the solid earth using the seismic waves generated by major earthquakes.

Previously Professor of Geophysics at Oxford, University, she joined the university and the Observatoire Côte d'Azur, which attracted her by its relationship with the ocean, and where she was offered the opportunity in particular to develop and implement innovative autonomous sensors used for seismic studies. The oceans represent two-thirds of the earth's surface. Existing technologies are unable to capture them in their entirety, so they remain a largely unexplored field in geophysics.
Karin Sigloch
Karin Sigloch

A. Boisson-Dernier
Born in Paris, and a graduate of the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, Dr. Aurélien Boisson-Dernier completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California, San Diego. He was awarded an ERC Marie Curie fellowship and lectured at the University of Zurich, before leading his own research team at the University of Cologne. He is now INRAE Research Director at the Institut Sophia Agrobiotech and holds a Chaire d'Excellence UCAJEDI at the Université Côte d'Azur.

He is fascinated by the complexity of signaling pathways developed by sessile plants to grow and adapt to their ever-changing environment. His scientific interests focus in particular on the role of the plant wall in plant development and its interactions with pathogens. He leads an interdisciplinary project combining molecular, cellular and evolutionary biology, genetics and biochemistry.
Aurélien Boisson-Dernier
Aurélien Boisson-Dernier


This new scheme enables Université Côte d'Azur lecturers to initiate, deepen or finalize research projects, or to finance high-level outgoing mobility. Collegium members will benefit from a teaching discharge, a bonus and an operating grant.

As part of its commitment to excellence and international outreach, the Université Côte d'Azur IdEx has launched the Collegium of Advanced Studies in 2023. This inaugural edition of the Collegium is intended for tenured research professors at the Université Côte d'Azur, to enable them to deepen, begin or finalize research projects, or to finance high-level outgoing mobility (projects with strategic partners, creation of an international laboratory, etc.).
Collegium members will benefit from a modulation of service, a bonus and an operating grant for a 2-year period, renewable once only.

+ The 4 winners for 2023/2024 with their biographies and links to their personal pages (page coming soon)

Discover the Call for Entries


The aim of this scheme is to increase the site's research potential by creating conditions that enable candidates for research posts to choose the Université Côte d'Azur site, in order to benefit from teaching release, a bonus and an operating grant.

As part of its policy of attractiveness, excellence and international influence, the IdEx has set up a specific environment (IdEx Attractivity Package) to support researchers recruited by national organizations that are members of the Université Côte d'Azur site (CNRS, INRIA, INRAE, IRD, INSERM, Observatoire Côte d'Azur). The aim is to increase the site's research potential by creating conditions that will enable candidates to choose the Université Côte d'Azur site as their first choice for a posting or transfer.

The IdEx Attractivity Package corresponds to an envelope of 50,000 euros for young researchers (CRs, ISFPs, astronomers and assistant physicists) and 150,000 euros for DRs and astronomers/physicists, to be used over a 3-year period.

All researchers will also benefit from the services offered by the IdEx Welcome Center.

Call for tender

+ The 18 winners for 2023/2024 with their biographies and links to their personal pages.

Discover Atractivity Packages news



The aim of this call is to invite top-level researchers and artists to join Université Côte d'Azur laboratories and research groups for a stay of 6 to 24 months. The aim of this call is to attract talent that will contribute to the enhancement of our site and the reputation and visibility of Université Côte d'Azur, thanks to the ambitious international collaborations that will be set up with our researchers. Selected Chairs are thus committed to high-quality research activities leading to impactful publications or exhibitions. Chairs in the Advanced Research Program will benefit from an attractive salary, an operating grant and the services offered by the Welcome Center. The internal part of the call is also open to researchers and teacher-researchers, with the possibility of recruiting a research engineer or postdoctoral researcher for a 12-month period, as well as an operating grant. 

Collegium of Advanced Studies

As part of its commitment to excellence and international outreach, the Université Côte d'Azur IdEx has launched the Collegium of Advanced Studies in 2023. This inaugural program is aimed at Université Côte d'Azur tenured research professors, to enable them to deepen, initiate or finalize research projects, or to finance high-level outgoing mobility (projects with strategic partners, creation of an international laboratory, etc.).

Collegium members will benefit from a modulation of service, a bonus and an operating grant for a 2-year period, renewable once only.

Attractivity Packages

As part of its policy of attractiveness, excellence and international influence, the IdEx has set up a specific environment (IdEx Attractivity Package) to support researchers recruited by national organizations that are members of the Université Côte d'Azur site (CNRS, Inria, INRAE, IRD, INSERM, Observatoire Côte d'Azur). The aim is to increase the site's research potential by creating conditions that will enable candidates to choose the Université Côte d'Azur site as their first choice for an assignment or transfer. The IdEx Attractivity Package corresponds to an envelope of 50,000 euros for young researchers (CRs, ISFPs, astronomers and assistant physicists) and 150,000 euros for DRs and astronomers/physicists, to be used over a 3-year period.

All researchers will also benefit from the services offered by the IdEx Welcome Center.



As part of its commitment to excellence and international outreach, Université Côte d'Azur's IdEx is offering Bourses d'excellences pour les jeunes chercheurs (Excellence grants for young researchers) to encourage the recruitment of young male and female researchers at post-doctoral level in its laboratories. Each year, this call will enable 12 top young scientists to join a Université Côte d'Azur laboratory for a period of 24 months, with the aim of : Enable the post-doctoral researcher to prepare an application for a permanent position at the Université Côte d'Azur site (in particular: MCF or Chargé de Recherches (CR) competitions, with a Université Côte d'Azur host laboratory as the first choice for assignment). Allow the supervisor and/or postdoctoral fellow to submit an ERC application within two years of recruitment. In addition to a highly attractive salary, successful candidates will benefit from an operating grant and the services offered by the IdEx Welcome Center. 



The IdEx is providing the site's researchers with a new system to increase the impact and visibility of their work, while promoting the openness of science. The system comprises three services:

Impact et visibilté
Impact et visibilté

✓ Payment of APCs (Article Processing Charges)
This scheme enables researchers who do not benefit from funding enabling them to cover publication costs to apply for payment of the costs associated with disseminating their work in open access journals (Gold Open Access). Applications can be made via the APC window accessible on GLPI.

Office of International Scientific Visibility (ISV)
IdEx makes ISV services available to the site's researchers. This is a team of translators and scientific experts whose mission is to help researchers improve the linguistic and strategic aspects of their manuscripts, thereby increasing their chances of publication in high-impact journals.

✓ Visibility Check Tool
It's crucial that your scientific results are highly visible. Your publications and other work need to be accessible and easy to find, thus increasing their impact and your opportunities for collaboration. Open access publishing is an important step, but there are other ways to widen your audience. Take the Visibility Test (page coming soon) to quickly and easily check whether your research results are sufficiently visible to your research colleagues. You can then benefit from personalized assistance to improve the visibility of your work! These services are offered in collaboration with DiBSO (Direction des Bibliothèque et de la Science Ouverte) and the university's Open Science team, who will also encourage and support you in opening up your codes and calculation data, and archiving your work. More information on the Open Science website.