Projects from other European funds
Other than the Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ programs, other European Funds have funded a large number of projects in recent years, in collaboration with local authorities. Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of projects managed on campus by UniCA and its partners (OCA, CHU, CNRS, INRIA, etc.)
- SPECTRO - SPecialised Education programmes in CybersecuriTy and RObotics
spectro SPECTRO focuses on designing and delivering two double-degree master’s programmes (ISCED Level 7, 120 ECTS) and self-standing learning modules in two key digital technology areas for the future of Europe: Cybersecurity and Robotics. These two specialised programmes, which will include a minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, are implemnted by a public-private consortium, with in-depth knowledge and experience in the digital skills domain. Leaded by EIT Digital, this prject will expand the specialised education offer in Europe. Duration: September 2023 - June 2028
Discover the SPECTRO project - EMAI4EU - EMotion Artificial Intelligence specialists for Europe
EMAI4EU aims to train the next generation of specialists and innovators in Emotion Artificial Intelligence in Europe. To achieve this goal, the project will design and deliver a double-degree master’s program (ISCED Level 7, 120 ECTS) in Emotion Artificial Intelligence and a minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. These programs will yield a set of certifications in advanced digital skills provided by participating higher education institutions and EIT Digital. EMAI4EU will train over 1,000 participants and contribute to reducing the gap in advanced digital skills in Europe. Duration: January 2024 - June 2028
- Move2Digital : European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Move2Digital Saisissez ici le titre ici
The main objective of this extensive initiative is to facilitate the use and adoption of three key digital technologies Artificial : Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT). Move2Digital will act as a one-stop shop for SMEs in the SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region by providing complementary dedicated services across 4 main pillars: Testing before investing, Innovation ecosystem and networking, Support in securing investments, and Skills and training. Through Move2Digital, UniCA will contribute to strengthening its territorial innovation ecosystem by supporting the digital transformation of both private and public stakeholders. Duration: June 2023 - May 2026
Discover the Move2Digital project
EMFF: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
- FishHEALTH: Evaluation of the health status of fish populations in 3 sustainable fishing zones in the Région Sud
Mediterranean marine ecosystems, particularly fish populations, are facing increasing threats due to the growth of anthropogenic activities in coastal areas. Among the most significant threats to fish assemblages are overfishing and the destruction of habitats, such as anchoring pleasure boats in Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and the development of artificial structures along the coastline that disrupt shallow coastal areas. However, fish populations play a crucial role in the functioning of marine ecosystems, facilitating energy transfer within the food web and supporting local economic activities such as artisanal fishing. In this context, it is essential to monitor the health of fish communities by studying their diversity and composition. The aim of FishHEALTH lead by ECOSEAS is to assess biodiversity and monitor ichthyological diversity and the state of trophic networks in three Natura 2000 zones on the French Riviera. Two of them are located in the Var department (Corniche Varoise and Estérel), and one is in the Alpes-Maritimes department (Cap Ferrat). Two sampling campaigns (warm season: September / cold season: January) are planned over two consecutive years.The project, financed up to 350 000€ by FEAMPA (European and national contribution), started in July 2023 and will end in August 2025. It builds on the continuity of the RECIF project. Led by ECOSEAS, the RECIF project involved standardized monitoring of fish populations in eight No-Take Zones (NTZs) in the Mediterranean in 2022, four of which are included in this new project. Duration: July 23 - August 25.
- ELSE : European Leadership for Safety Education
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The European Leadership for Safety Education project (ELSE) aims to develop a leadership training program for nuclear industry executives in order to provide them with a permanent degree in nuclear safety. This academic training is based on setting up an international multidisciplinary research network on this topic This project has obtained €800,000 in funding over three years from the European Commission's Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation. The project started in September 2019.
Discover ELSE Project
Commission Européenne - Représentation en France
- I AM Europe
I AM Europe
I AM Europe aims to raise awareness among individuals (I) in the Alpes Maritimes (AM) of European actions and policies (Europe) in terms of training, territorial cooperation and R&I as well as their translation onto society while encouraging citizen participation to the major European debates. It therefore provides three components with three different targets: Education and mobility / high school students, Alpes Maritimes, experimental territory / inhabitants of the region, Innovation-energy transition / students. Duration 2021-2022
Discover the I AM Europe project
Life programme
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LIFE RECYSITE - PRODUCTION OF FULLY RECYCLABLE AND REUSABLE GREEN COMPOSITES BASED ON BIORESINS AND NATURAL FIBRESThe RECYSITE project aims to develop thermosetting eco-composites from renewable resources: natural fibers from biological waste (flax fibers) and resins from natural resources (linseed oil and humins). Flax straw is either disposed of or burnt directly on the fields because of the long time it takes to decompose into the soil. Nevertheless, these flax stems contain fibrous materials that can be recovered. Duration: Juillet 2016 - Juin 2019
Discover the Recysit project
The goal of the Deepcure project is the development of a novel and affordable 3D biomaterial based on purified eggshell membrane protein (EEP) for deep wounds and burns. Duration: April 2019-March 2021
Discover the DEEPCURE project
- EIT Digital
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The EIT Digital branch of Sophia Antipolis was inaugurated in May 2014. It is the perfect place for formal and informal meetings between students, university professors, researchers, companies and manufacturers in the digital field. In addition, the site is the base for two Master’s degrees: the 1st and 2nd year of the Master’s in Data Science and the 2nd year of the Master’s in Internet Technology and Architecture. Discover the EIT Digital Master School
- En2Bria: Enhancing Enforcement under Brussels Ia
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The project aims to increase the capacity of practitioners to address issues related to judicial cooperation in civil and business matters; to increase awareness, at both practical and institutional level, of the complexities of the relationship between the Brussels Ia Regulation and other EU instruments; to improve the legal framework and regulations concerning judicial cooperation in civil matters by identifying possible solutions to mitigate the main criticalities examined
Executive Agency for Small and Medium‑sized Enterprises
- AFRIMED : Algal Forest Restoration in MEDiterranean sea
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The project involves a combination of spatial analysis, laboratory studies, pilot field actions and awareness building to the blue growth sectors, the general public and decision-makers.
- Ocean4Biotech : European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology
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The overall aim of Ocean4Biotech is to bring together experts in the field of marine biotechnology research, to provide a platform for sharing experiences, knowledge and technology and establish a road map for more effective and faster development of marine biotechnology research in Europe and beyond.
- FUR4Sustain : European network of FURan based chemicals and materials FOR a Sustainable development
FUR4Sustain Cost action Université côte d'Azur
The main objective is to catalyse a synergistic approach for the whole value-chain of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid and derivatives, aiming concomitantly to boost innovation in the current research & development (R&D) status quo and, moreover, to overcome the scientific, technological and the industrial limitations that hinder the wide deployment of new FDCA products developed in actual market applications.
- PerMedSchiz : Personalized medicine in schizophrenia: predicting relapse, treatment response and the potential benefit of add-on anti-inflammatory agents
Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental illness that affects millions of Europeans. While antipsychotic drugs relieve symptoms in one-third of patients, the majority of patients are resistant to treatment. Although guidelines are available, there is an urgent need to identify objective predictors of treatment outcomes to guide individualized treatment.
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A roadmap for achieving nuclear fusion was adopted by the EFDA system at the end of 2012. The roadmap aims to obtain all the necessary know-how to launch the construction of a demonstration power plant (DEMO) by 2030, in order to achieve the objective of injecting fusion power into the grid by 2050. The roadmap was arranged into eight different tasks. The aim of this proposal is to implement the activities described in the Roadmap during the Horizon 2020 period through a joint program of the EUROfusion consortium members.
- INEUPUP : INnovation EUropean PUPpetry
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4 partners, 3 countries, 1 joint project co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Europe Creative program to develop puppetry arts in Europe. To achieve this, several digital tools and training tools are being developed.