International and Europe program
The International and European Program of the Initiative d'Excellence (IdEx) of Université Côte d'Azur comprises 6 programs. Each promotes a dynamic of transversality and international cohesion.
A series of schemes to support the submission of projects to Horizon Europe's Excellence pillar:
ERC Booster - support for ERC project submissions,
ERC Bridge - tailor-made support for ERC laureates,
MSCA Post-doctoral Booster - to support the submission of Post-Doc projects.
Program objectives
The LEADEurope program aims to bring together ERC & MSCA laureates and European project coordinators to promote the site's European excellence.
Program actions
The LEADEurope program centralizes all the Calls for Projects operated by the Cellule Europe Mutualisée to support researchers in their European ambitions. In addition to the Calls for Projects, LEADEuRope organizes events, training courses and conferences to animate the community of project leaders and identify new talent!
Calls for Interest and program features
- ERC Boost – Individual coaching
Call for expressions of interest aimed at providing individual support for teaching researchers, medical researchers, research scientists and engineers on the site (regardless of employer: UCA, CNRS, IRD, etc.) who wish to embark on an ERC submission process for the following calls: ERC Advanced, ERC Starting, ERC Consolidator, ERC POC, ERC Synergy.
- MSCA Post-doctoral Booster - Attractiveness scheme
This call for expressions of interest is an attractiveness scheme designed to help young researchers obtain European funding to carry out a post-doc via the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (AMSC) Post Doctoral Fellowship instrument on the Côte d'Azur site. This call provides funding for candidates to come to our site so that they can: 1/Meet their supervisor and the teams, 2/Visit their host research unit, the campus and the city, 3/Be supported in writing their project through the organization of a Master Class on writing advice and a writing workshop in pairs with their supervisor. These workshops are led by members of the CEM, which includes a former CSIA NCP (IDEX), a CSIA project evaluator (INRIA) and a cross-disciplinary CSIA expert (University). Candidates are then supported remotely through to submission.
CLOSED (to be relaunched in February).
The IdEx has sought to develop a limited number of privileged partnerships of two types:
Transversal to all the University's missions and components, like the partnership with Laval.
Thematic, based on shared niches of excellence, such as the partnership with Costa Rica.
Cross-functional partnerships
Cross-functional partnerships are based on a shared vision of the role and operation of universities. They permeate all Université Côte d'Azur missions and components.
Thematic partnerships
Thematic partnerships are based on one or more common themes for which joint actions and programs are developed.
Costa Rica University
Led by EUR ODYSSEE, the thématic partnership focuses on the theme of socio-environmental challenges. Within this framework, IdEx is funding a Chair of Excellence to support the structuring of the scientific axes.
European Institute of Technology
The IdEx supports the cultural and creative industries sector, and Université Côte d'Azur, a founding member of the Culture and Creativity EIT, has joined forces with Aix Marseille University, the University of Avignon and the PACA Sud region to create the MIN4CI partnership foundation, which it chairs.
Sant'Anne College
Supported by EUR ELMI, the programme doctoral international en Economie offers high-level training in traditional economic subjects, as well as complementary training in more original subjects. This doctoral program is run in close collaboration with the Sant’Anna School of Economics in Pisa (Italy) and OFCE-Sciences Po.
University of Melbourne
Supported by the I3S laboratory, a doctoral program enables the co-financing of joint theses with the University of Melbourne in the following fields: computer vision, deep learning, robotics, etc.
Centre Monell des sens chimiques
The Monell Chemical Senses Center is managed by ICN and supported by Académie 2. Within this framework, IdEX supports specific activities.
IdEx supports the development of three international campuses with a regional reach:
Da Nang International Institute of Technology,
Balkan Institute for Science and Innovation,
The Franco-Indian Campus.
- Discover international campuses
Da Nang International Institute of Technology (DNIIT)
The Da Nang International Institute of Technology (DNIIT) was created in 2017 within Da Nang University (Vietnam) thanks to financial support from the Initiative d'Excellence and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. It also received support from the Vietnamese and French Ministries of Higher Education and Research.
The Da Nang International Institute of Technology aims to promote transdisciplinarity and innovation in order to provide scientific answers to certain Vietnamese societal and territorial challenges.Balkan Institute of Science and Innovation (BISI)
Université Côte d'Azur and the University of Montenegro have joined forces to create the Balkan Institute of Science and Innovation (BISI) in 2019.
This is a bilateral university cooperation structure with a vocation to extend its influence to the Balkans.
Located on the main campus of the University of Montenegro in Podgorica, and co-piloted by the two universities, BISI aims to develop interactions between teachers-researchers, students, local authorities and industrial partners, with a view to creating thematic ecosystems. Its research, training and innovation activities are partly francophone.Campus Franco-Indien
The LIFE Graduate School's Franco-Indian Campus project is one of 4 projects selected as part of the call for projects for the creation of a Franco-Indian campus, by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), the Campus France agency and the Indian Embassy in France.
Built in partnership with three Indian institutions (IISc, IIITD and Ashoka University), the aim is to encourage the emergence of research projects while promoting the joint training of French and Indian students.
Aware that the challenges of the 21st century can only be met at an international, multi-sectoral level, Université Côte d'Azur has made it one of its priorities to help strengthen scientific diplomacy as an essential tool for political decision-making on a global scale.