Applying for the first year of a bachelor’s degree

French or European Students

If you are a French or European student, you must use the Parcoursup platform to apply to a higher education institution in France.

Please note that the dates for entering your application and validating your choices must be respected, otherwise your application will be rejected.



Parcoursup is the national platform for pre-registration for the first year of higher education in France.

High school or university students looking for a change of direction (including apprentices) who wish to enrol in the first year of higher education must put together an application and make their wishes known on Parcoursup.

This does not apply to:

  • Students repeating their first year (they must re-apply directly to their institution)
  • International applicants subject to a request for prior admission (DAP)
  • Applicants who only wish to apply to foreign higher education courses (they must apply directly to the courses they are interested in)
  • Students who wish to return to the course in which they were enrolled at the end of their gap year (they have the right to reinstate or re-enrol at the end of their gap year).

For more information, go to the Parcoursup platform.

International Students

  • If you are an international (non-European) student living in France, you will need to go through the green DAP procedure (Demande d'Admission Préalable) to enrol in the first year of your degree course. For further information, please contact International Incoming Support team.
  • If you are an international student (from outside Europe) living abroad, please contact the Espace Campus France ( ) in your country. For further information, please do not hesitate to:
    • Consult the Campus France website for more information on the steps to take;
    • Contact the French embassy in your country;

This does not apply to:

  • International students who hold a French baccalaureate or a European baccalaureate from an accredited European school.
  • International students wishing to apply for selective non-university courses included in Parcoursup (BTS, BTSA, DCG, CPGE, DN MADE, DMA, engineering, business and management schools, IEP).

Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP)

The DAP (Demande d'Admission Préalable) procedure is compulsory for all international students who hold a secondary school leaving certificate from outside the European Union and who wish to enrol at the University in the first year of a bachelor's degree (L1).

Green DAP

The green DAP procedure concerns international students who hold a secondary school leaving certificate from outside the European Union and who are resident in France and wish to enrol at the University in thefirst year of a licence (L1).

For more information on the green DAP procedure and to download the application form, please consult the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur de la Recherche (MESR) website.

During the green DAP campaign (from October to December), the International Development and Europe Department (DDIE) will be on hand to allow applicants to submit their applications and have them checked. If you wish to submit a green DAP application, we encourage you to make an appointment at the DDIE in advance, as only complete applications are accepted and processed by Université Côte d'Azur.

The e-mail address for making an appointment is :

The green DAP application can also be sent by post according to the dates set by the MESR calendar. For admission in September, the dates for the application campaign are from 1 October to 15 December of the previous year.

Please note: green DAP applications are posted online when the application campaign opens. It is important to make sure that the file you download is for the current year, and not for the previous year.

White DAP

The white DAP procedure (from October to December) concerns international students who hold a secondary school leaving certificate from outside the European Union and who are residing in a country not covered by the Études en France procedure and wish to enrol at the University in the first year of a licence (L1).

For more information on the white DAP procedure and to download the application form, please consult the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur de la Recherche (MESR) website.

Once your white DAP application is ready, you can contact the French embassy in your country of residence to make an appointment. For admission in September, the dates for the application campaign are from 1 October to 15 December of the previous year.

Please note: white DAP files are put online at the start of the application campaign. It is important to make sure that the file you download is for the current year, and not for the previous year.

Études En France

Logo Études en France

If you are an international student who holds a secondary school leaving certificate from outside the European Union and who are residing in a country connected to the Campus France space and wish to enrol at the University in the first year of a licence (L1) you should follow the Études en France procedure.

The Études en France procedure is paperless and allows you to complete all the registration procedures if you wish to apply to a French higher education institution. Once you have created your personal electronic file, you can fill in your application forms, contact the Campus France office in your country and communicate with the institutions to which you are applying.

For more information, please visit the Campus France website directly (Études En France procedure).

Applying for a Licence 2, Licence 3, Master's or Doctoral degree

For more information on how to apply for other levels of study at the Université Côte d'Azur.

Registering at Université Côte d'Azur

To register officially with the Université Côte d'Azur, you will need to complete an administrative registration.

This can be done entirely online, or in person at the campus of your course to register with the Registrar's Office.

For more information on how to enrol at the Université Côte d'Azur :