Practical Marine Biotechnology

MARTEK offers expertise in chemical engineering and marine biotechnology, emphasizing algae-related opportunities. Students explore the bioprospecting pipeline, visit professional settings, and apply lab techniques to extract and identify molecules beneficial for human health.

code name: MARTEK
module family: #Chemistry & Biotechnology
credits: 4 ECTS
semester: Fall (semester 3)

UN Sustainable Development Goals:




 Students should

  • grasp the foundational principles of blue biotechnology and apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios
  • understand the economic implications of marine biotechnology, recognizing the significance of marine-derived natural products in the global market
  • explore the potential of microalgae for human benefit (health, energy, food, cosmetics...) understanding the biological mechanisms and barriers in processes
  • learn the extraction methods crucial for desorbing molecules from marine matrices, understanding how these techniques affect the quality and quantity of the bioactive compounds extracted
  • apply analytical chemistry techniques to identify and characterize biological pigments and other bioactive molecules, particularly in photoautotroph organisms like microalgae
  • develop the ability to interpret experimental data and present their findings through academic deliverables such as articles and presentations


  • Blue biotechnology
    • overview of techniques & opportunities
    • ideation and creation of a biotechnology project
  • The world of microalgae
    • Visit of a research center on microalgae biotechnology (CEA, Cadarache)
    • Expert panel on fundamental and applied research
    • Workshop
  • Analytical chemistry for identification of bioactive molecules
    • Theory (chemistry, methods)
    • Practical (extraction of pigment from microalgae)


  • Juliette Armeni (Pole Mer Méditerranée)
  • Nadir Fakhri Eddin (ICN lab, Université Côte d'Azur)
  • Nathanael Guigo (ICN, Université Côte d'Azur)
  • Anne Pajot (CEA Cadarache)
  • Jean Francois Sassi (CEA Cadarache)
  • Guest speakers (panels)


  • Quiz on fundamentals
  • Workshop on marine biotechnology overview
  • Workshop from the site visit at CEA
  • Lab work deliverables (articles, presentation)
The other Semester 3 modules