Structural funds projects
The EU Structural Funds have funded a large number of projects in recent years, in collaboration with local authorities. Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of projects managed on campus by UCA and its partners (OCA, CHU, CNRS, INRIA, etc.)
FEASIBLE meets the requirements for promoting the circular economy and aims to mitigate activities harmful to the climate through two modalities: the introduction of new production sectors with low environmental impact; the reactivation of demand for wood products in order to stimulate the resumption of management activities in wooded areas with beneficial effects on the regulation of outflows, the stabilization of slopes and the reduction of damage due to fires. FEASIBLE promotes the creation of local sectors through a pilot action aimed at scientifically demonstrating the validity and effectiveness of plant extracts intended for the agricultural, cosmetic and nutraceutical sectors. Duration: 2024 - 2026
The PLASTRON project has the general objective of improving the sustainability of communities at the local level by providing knowledge and tools to promote the transition towards a circular and resource-efficient economy, in line with Green Deal policies and European actions aimed at achieving climate neutrality. Through the implementation of small investments for the collection of plastic on the coast, in marinas and at sea, common protocols will be developed to improve management and integration with the waste cycle. Experimental circular economy studies will be carried out with actions aimed at the valorization and reuse of solid waste from the sectors in the territories concerned. Duration: 2024 - 2026
The FishMPABlue2 project is a sequel of the FishMPABlue1 project (July 2014 – June 2015) which carried out an analysis of the management of small-scale coastal fishing within and around marine protected areas, and which proposed, at the conclusion of this analysis, a toolbox for innovative governance to strengthen management capacities of marine protected areas (MPAs). The objective of FishMPABlue 2 is to field test a series of tools in 11 pilot MPAs, to evaluate and quantify their effectiveness in achieving the expected results in terms of ecological effectiveness of MPAs, the advantages offered to fisheries small scale and social acceptance of management measures by stakeholders. The Cap Roux Fishing Cantonment (Var) was one of the pilot sites of the project. The “FishMPABlue 2 Plus” project aims to transfer this know-how mainly by applying the same strategy to 11 new MPAs from 5 countries. Duration: 2016 - 2019.
FISHMPABlue2 - ChIMERA - Développer les capacités d'innovation des industries culturelles et créatives (ICC)
The project aims to: Increase the transnational activity of clusters and networks of key sectors in the Mediterranean area; Define, test and implement new ICC cluster models; Build and consolidate a transnational network of innovative ICC clusters and innovation ecosystems supporting innovation and internationalization in the ICC sector. Duration: 2016 - 2019.
The project aims to: Transmit ChIMERA methodologies and results; Help partners set up a cluster to support the audiovisual sector; Consolidate international relations. Duration: 2021 - 2022.
The general objective of the project is to promote the digitalization of the health sector by integrating into social and health services and supporting practitioners, patients and their families in the use of technologies that facilitate treatment, evaluation and the rehabilitation of disorders linked to social interactions in different population groups (children, adolescents, adults and elderly people). The project aims in particular to promote the use of new technologies through the adaptation of digital tools for clinical use, part of which was developed within the framework of the Alcotra ProSol Giovani, Femme, WePro and Senior projects and the CLIP E- project. Health/Silver Economy. The final objective is to encourage the adoption of these digital tools to promote more equitable access to health services in France and Italy. Duration: 2024 - 2026
- FINNOVER : Innovative strategies for the development of cross-border green sectors
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FINNOVER provides support to the green industry sector of cross-border regions and offers a technical-economic path focused on production and natural substances obtained from the biodiversity of the ALCOTRA region and used in the nutraceutical (nutritive principle contained in food which have a beneficial effect on health), therapeutic or phytopharmaceutical fields. FINNOVER is a public-private partnership that promotes a process of knowledge and skills transfer between research organizations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the region. Duration: 2017 - 2020 FINNOVER - RISQ'EAU : Increasing the resilience of ALCOTRA territories to the risks of flash floods and water pollution
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The Risq'eau project aims to increase the resilience of ALCOTRA region to the risks of flash floods, but also water pollution. The project, which began in October 2015, is the result of cooperation between the Communauté d’Agglomération Cannes-Lérins and the representatives of the Italian valleys of San Lorenzo and Verbone, which already benefited from contact with the Communauté d’Agglomération Var-Esterel-Mediterranean Community.
The main goal of this partnership is to share the experiences and knowledge of the local authorities involved in the project, which have drainage basins of similar hydrological characteristics, are small in size and conducive to particularly dangerous floods. Duration: 2017- 2020 RISQ’EAU - PITER PAYS SAGES : Pays Capables
pays capables
The projects aimas strengthening cross-border and bi-national education and training programs to improve cross-border learning. Duration: 2019 – 2022.
Pays Capables - PITER ALPIMED : Innov
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In order to guarantee an integrated and innovative response capable of strengthening the economy of the Mediterranean Alps regions, the ALPIMED INNOV project aims to foster the connection between companies, regional stakeholders, inhabitants and research centers, disseminate innovation in the mountain economy and support development, thus creating an ecosystem of applied innovation in the region. Duration: 2018 – 2022
The project aims to: Support the mountain economy in the face of climate change; Raise awareness among all local stakeholders of the impact of climate change, Unite elected officials and cross-border territories around common objectives to fight against climate change in the Mediterranean Alps. Duration : 2019 – 2022
PITER ALPIMED Clima- PITEM CLIP : E-Santé Silver Economy
The project aims to improve the screening and prevention of frailty among seniors through new home-based technologies. Duration: 2020 - 2022
PITEM CLIP : E-Santé Silver economy - RISVAL : Seismic Risk and Vulnerability ALpine
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The Alpine region has a moderate earthquake risk, which is subject to frequent, mainly low-intensity seismic events. Preparing for dealing with a potential event with severe consequences for inhabitants, the economy and the environment of the Alpine valleys is vital for those involved in earthquake risk management.
The project therefore plans to increase understanding of the risks, monitor and rapidly estimate the intensity of events, but also to develop instruments to assess building vulnerability. Duration: 2017 - 2020
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The main aim of the CONCERT-EAUX project is to set up a Franco-Italian climate observatory in the Roya River basin, with a special focus on monitoring the surface and groundwater cycle. Climate change interferes with this process, influencing rainfall patterns, surface runoff patterns, evapotranspiration parameters, and groundwater recharge conditions. Duration: 2017 - 2022
The AD-VITAM project aims to improve the resilience of regions to landslide risks. It brings together both research teams and stakeholders operating in the region. By studying historical phenomena, and by using instruments on sites representative of the region, at least three innovative operational systems for prevention, forecasting and warning, based on the frequency of rainfall, have been developed and tested by the partners. Duration: 2017 - 2022.
The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire of Nice was involved in 4 PITEM PROSOL projects:- PROSOL WE-PRO: The project aims to: Establish new public/private partnership models for the organization and management of care in rural areas, Ensure access to specialized care for patients and doctors in rural areas; Organize local solidarity in a professional manner. Duration: 2019 - 2022
- PROSOL FEMMES: The project aims to: Spread the culture of gender equality across the cross-border territory, Improve the quality of existing socio-health services; Create new socio-health services responding to the specificities of the territory and the needs of women; Promote the socio-professional integration of women by providing local solutions. Duration: 2019 – 2022
- PROSOL SENIORS: The project aims to: Improve care pathway monitoring for senior patients in rural and mountain areas; Improve the quality of care provided to senior patients, professionalize and equip professionals who work with seniors. Duration: 2019 - 2022
- PROSOL JEUNES: The project aims to: Detect the vulnerability of young people in rural and mountain areas as early as possible, Facilitate their access to care and social assistance and employment services and network support and care services for youth. Duration: 2020 - 2022
The project consists of setting up and commissioning: a compact database, a flatbed scanner and electronic equipment to make radiation and diffraction measurements of the electromagnetic field up to 260 GHz. This project will extend the capabilities of existing equipment already owned by the Université Côte d'Azur or within the framework of CREMANT (a joint research laboratory between Orange, the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and CNRS). RANDOM - Smart City Innovation Center
As the technical platform of the sustainable and interconnected city, the Showroom enables all the data stored in the Data Center of the Nice metropolitan area to be generated and viewed in real time, as well as any resulting city management tasks. Equipped with a dynamic data processing and display system, this 200-sq-m platform displays a range of projects that are implementing innovative technologies and applications to optimize the management of the city and improve services to its inhabitants. These projects are the result of collaborative work between industrial partners, laboratory researchers, students and the city and demonstrate the benefits of ‘cross-fertilization,’ in generating ideas and innovations. This area also includes models and demonstrators. Duration: 2018 - 2020
Smart City Innovation Center