a research facility providing High-Performance Computing
OPAL (Observatoire Pluridisciplinaire des ALpes-maritimes) is a research facility providing High-Performance Computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI) computing facilities, data storage and computing, as well as visualization resources and testbeds.
OPAL is a joint effort of Université Côte d'Azur, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Inria Sophia Antipolis and Mines ParisTech à Sophia Antipolis. It is built on the sharing of the computational resources of these four institutions through an unified access. OPAL provides computing services to the members of Université Côte d'Azur and their industry and society partners for research, education and development.
Resources operated by each institution
OPAL computing center provides more than 7000 compute cores, 140 GPU and 1 Peta Byte of usable storage.
A detailed description of the resources operated by each institution can be found at:
OPAL Publications
The list of the publications that have acknowledged the use of OPAL computing center is hosted on HAL.
For more information on how to acknowledge OPAL, please refer to OPAL internal rules. It is important that publications resulting from computations performed on OPAL acknowledge OPAL.
Getting started
Access is granted to members (researcher, staff, interns,...) of Université Côte d'Azur, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, INRIA Sophia Antipolis or Mines ParisTech Sophia Antipolis. Industrial partners seeking access to OPAL resources must be working within an eligible OPAL project. Please check the OPAL internal rules for eligibility details: computing policy, data security.
To request OPAL access, please follow these two steps.
- Step 1. Get an accreditation for OPAL contacting your local provider
- Step 2: Ask for an account on the desired platform
The main governance boards of OPAL are the Steering Committee, the Scientific Board and the Technical Board. They are made up of members of the four institutions of OPAL.
The Steering Committee:
- Director of Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Chair.
- Director of Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée research centre.
- President of Université Côte d'Azur.
- Deputy Director of Mines-ParisTech Sophia Antipolis.
The Scientific Advisory Board:
- Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur: André Ferrari (chair)
- Inria Sophia Antipolis: Regis Duvigneau
- Mines ParisTech Sophia Antipolis: Elie Hachem
- Maison de la Modélisation, de la Simulation et des Interactions: Didier Auroux
- Academy 1, Networks, Information and Digital Society:
- Academy 2, Complex systems: Yann Bouret
- Academy 3, Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience: Frederic Grognard
- Academy 4, Complexity and Diversity of Living Systems:
- Academy 5, Human Societies, Ideas and Environments: Francesco Castellaneta
The Technical Board:
- Inria Sophia Antipolis: Marc Vesin, Jean-luc Szpyrka, Nicolas Niclausse, Laurent Mirtain,
- Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur: Jean-Philippe Ghibaudo, Alain Miniussi,
- Mines Paristech Sophia Antipolis: Carole Torrin, Valéry Lang,
- Université Côte d'Azur: Julien Maurin, Maeva Antoine
- A member of the Scientific Advisory Board (by default the chair)