Researcher from a third-party country
- When you arrive in France
- If you are from a third-party country, the steps to take will depend on the duration of your stay in France.
- Stay between 3 and 12 month
If you have a visa for your long stay between three and twelve month, this Visa needs to be validated once you arrive in France. The Visa allows you to leave France druing the first three month and to return. After three month, if the Visa is not validated, you can be refused entry into France and must again request a Visa. The validation is therefore important!
You need to validate your Visa "Talent Chercheur" VLS-TS online. Please choose "passeport talent chercheur" and the reference (référence réglementaire) R431-16 10°.
The tax stamps can be purchased online on the same website. (200€ for a Visa Talent)
Please note: The law n° 2024-42 in force since January 26, 2024, changes the qualification « passeport talent” into “talent”. While waiting for official updates, some documents, residence cards and official websites might still carry the qualification “passeport talent”.- Stay over 12 month
You have obtained a long stay Visa D "Talent". The visa will indicate either L313-20-4° or L421-14 and C. SEJ. A SOLLIC. (Carte de séjour à solliciter = need to request a residence card) or TALENT CHERCHEUR PT4VLS. At your arrival in France and two month before the expiration of this initial Visa "Talent" (in general valid for 3 month), you must request a temporary resident card (carte de séjour) “Talent Chercheur”, which will be valid for the entire stay stipulated by the hosting agreement with a maximum limit of 4 years and it is renewable.
How to request a residence card "Talent Chercheur"?
The Welcome Center can assist you with this procedure:
You need to request your residence card at least two month before the end of the visa. The prefecture migth apply an additional late fee. To complete your file, it is a good idea to go through the Welcome Center to validate the contents together.
The requests for a passeport talent card can be made online on the ANEF website according to this procedure. The Welcome Center can accompany you during the online deposit to facilitate and streamline the procedure.
Documents to provide
It is no longer necessary to make an appointment at the prefecture or to go there in person to deposit your request. After making the request online, you can at any time consult the progess of your request on your online account, reply to any requests for additional documents and be informed on any decisions regarding your request.
Delivery of the card:It usually takes around 3 months to obtain the resident card. The Préfecture will inform you by text message or email, when the resident card is ready. You will then need to retrieve the "Passeport Talent" card in person at the Préfecture des Alpes Maritimes and pay a tax of 225 € in fiscal stamps (fiscal stamps can be bought in Tobacco shops or online).
Please note: The law n° 2024-42 in force since January 26, 2024, changes the qualification « passeport talent” into “talent”. While waiting for official updates, some documents, residence cards and official websites might still carry the qualification “passeport talent”.
- Accompanied
Your spouse will receive a Visa labelled “Talent Famille” (L313-21 or L421-22). The formalities are different for the spouse. Depending on the lenght of the stay in France, the Visa will indicate if your spouse needs to validate his/her visa or request a residence card.
Please note: The law n° 2024-42 in force since January 26, 2024, changes the qualification « passeport talent” into “talent”. While waiting for official updates, some documents, residence cards and official websites might still carry the qualification “passeport talent”.- Validation of your spouse's Visa
If indicated on the Visa "Talent Famille" (L313-21 or L421-22), your spouse will need to validate their visa online. Please choose "passeport talent famille" and the reference (référence réglementaire) R431-16 10°.
The fiscal stamps in the amount of 200€ for the validation of a Visa "Talent Famille" can also be purchased on the same website. - Request a Talent Famille resident card for your spouse
It is no longer necessary to make an appointment at the prefecture or to go there in person to deposit your request. After making the request online, you can at any time consult the progess of your request on your online account, reply to any requests for additional documents and be informed on any decisions regarding your request.
If indicated on the Visa, after their arrival in France and two month before the visa expires, your spouse must request a Talent Famille temporary residence card. In general, Visas delivered to spouses have shorter durations than those of the scientists, which necessitates the request of a temporary resident card (Carte de Séjour). If the delays aren't met, the prefecture might apply an additional late fee.
The requests for a talent family card need to be made online on the ANEF website according to this procedure.The Welcome Center can accompany your spouse during the online deposit to facilitate and streamline the procedure.
Delivery of the card:
It usually takes around 3 months to obtain the resident card. The Préfecture will inform you by text message or email, when the resident card is ready. Your spouse will then need to retrieve the "Passeport Talent" card in person at the Préfecture des Alpes Maritimes and pay a tax of 225 € in fiscal stamps (fiscal stamps can be bought in Tobacco shops or online). You will also have to be present with your spouse, bring the original and a copy of your own passport, Visa and host convention.
We also encourage spouses to register on our Euraxess data base as spouses of researchers hosted by UCA. This will help us better accompany them in all their undertakings.
- Renewal of your residence card
And what about the renewal of a residence card?
- Renewal of your titre de séjour
For the researcher, the "Talent Chercheur" card can be valid for up to 4 years. You need to make the renewal request between two and four months before the current card expires. You might be charged an additional late fee otherwise.
The Welcome Center can assist you with the renewal:To complete your file, it is a good idea to go through the Welcome Center to validate the contents together before you make your request.
It is no longer necessary to make an appointment at the prefecture or to go there in person to deposit your request. After making the request online, you can at any time consult the progess of your request on your online account, reply to any requests for additional documents and be informed on any decisions regarding your request.
The requests for a passeport talent card can be made online on the ANEF website according to this procedure. The Welcome Center can accompany you during the online deposit to facilitate and streamline the procedure.
Documents to provide
Delivery of the card:It usually takes around 3 months to obtain the resident card. The Préfecture will inform you by text message or email, when the resident card is ready. You will then need to retreive the "Passeport Talent" card in person at the Préfecture des Alpes Maritimes and pay a tax of 225 € in fiscal stamps (fiscal stamps can be bought in Tobacco shops or online).
Once you have accomplished the work on your research project (end of your fixed term work contract and graduation from your PhD in France, if you are a PhD candidate), you can request a temporary residence card "carte de séjour temporaire d'un an recherche d'emploi ou création d'entreprise". This card will be valid one year and allows you to look for work or create a company in France during this year. (75€ in fiscal stamps). The requests for this card need to be sent my mail to the prefecture of the place where you live. Please contact the Welcome Center for additional informaton.
Alternatively, once you have accomplished the work on your research project (end of your fixed term work contract and graduation from your PhD in France if you are a PhD candidate), you can request the renewal of your "Talent Chercheur" card, if you have obtained unemployment benefits (Allocation chômage d'aide au retour à l'emploi - ARE). Please contact the Welcome Center for details regarding this procedure.
Please note: The law n° 2024-42 in force since January 26, 2024, changes the qualification « passeport talent” into “talent”. While waiting for official updates, some documents, residence cards and official websites might still carry the qualification “passeport talent”. - Renewal of the spouse's residence card
Your spouse holding a Talent Famille card benefits from the same length of validity as your Talent Chercheur card. The request for the renewal of your spouse's card needs to be made between two to four month before the current card expires. You must also be present at the Préfecture to obtain the renewal of your spouse's residence card. The Welcome Center can assist the spouse with this procedure.
It is no longer necessary to make an appointment at the prefecture or to go there in person to deposit your request. After making the request online, you can at any time consult the progess of your request on your online account, reply to any requests for additional documents and be informed on any decisions regarding your request.
The requests for the renewal of a passport talent family card need to be made online on the ANEF website according to this procedure.The Welcome Center can accompany your spouse during the online deposit to facilitate and streamline the procedure.
Delivery of the card:
It usually takes around 3 months to obtain the resident card. The Préfecture will inform you by text message or email, when the resident card is ready. You will then need to retrieve the "Passeport Talent" card in person at the Préfecture des Alpes Maritimes and pay a tax of 225 € in fiscal stamps (fiscal stamps can be bought in Tobacco shops or online). You will also have to be present with your spouse, bring the original and a copy of your own passport, Visa and host convention.
Please note: The law n° 2024-42 in force since January 26, 2024, changes the qualification « passeport talent” into “talent”. While waiting for official updates, some documents, residence cards and official websites might still carry the qualification “passeport talent”.