Transport Options

On the Côte d’Azur travel opportunities are numerous. In addition to traveling with your own vehicle (see the “Driver’s Licenses” page), you can take advantage of available public transportation.


There are numerous places to shop. The region is also famous for its provincial markets.

Culture and recreations

The University Sport team at Université Côte d’Azur offers more than 70 activities on all its campuses. The Université Côte d'Azur Culture and Arts team concocts, co-organizes, or accompanies events for students and staff.

Learn French

The Welcome Center has developed partnerships with two schools having the Qualité FLE (French as a Foreign Language) certification. These schools offer different study programs, each having attractive prices. It’s also possible to have access to linguistic materials, conversation groups, or placement exams at the Language Resource Centers of the University


Access to health care and medicine

Useful numbers

Some useful numbers in case of emergencies.