Immersion Project: ECOSEAS 3

Valuing artisanal fishing on the French Riviera through a coupled scientific / socio-economic approach 

ECOSEAS (CNRS / Université Côte d'Azur), Nice (France)

Ecosystèmes CÔtiers Marins Et Réponses aux Stress (ECOMERS)

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)


For approximately the same magnitude of catches, artisanal fisheries collect less subsidies, create more jobs, use less fuel, reject less bycatch and degrade less the habitats. Small scale fishing is surely more ecologically sustainable and socially equitable than industrial fishing. It's also worth noting its high historical and cultural value (landscape, recipes, skills, ecological knowledge...) and high marketing value for tourism.


The past for the future: A local, modern, more sustainable and equitable sector. Retrieve historical information and traditional knowledge, but also analyze the current situation to avoid the disappearance of fishermen. Create new profiles of fisherman-entrepreneur, chef more aware of environmental issues. Promote products through new distribution methods (labels), but above all build a new culture for the citizen-consumer. In short: Address the global ecological, social and economic crisis through local initiatives.


Completed Fall 2019

Last student involved: Marie Detroy