Innovation only makes sense if it is produced, shared and disseminated. This is why Université Côte d'Azur offers collaboration platforms for the worlds of research, industry and markets. To support innovation initiatives, Université Côte d’Azur provides the resources and diversified skills of all its stakeholders and contributes to building ties between the public and private sectors.  
Université Côte d'Azur opens its innovative platforms to all the partners who are involved in socio-economic development in Côte d'Azur:

  • Innovation and Partnership Institutes which set up public-private partnerships to develop innovation by experimenting, testing products and services and co-financing projects.
  • The Modeling, Simulation and Interactions Center (MSI) which aims to promote and structure cross-disciplinary discussions in academic research and public-private partnerships in the Southern Region across all fields and is looking for significant expertise in modelling, simulation and big data.  

Discover the MSI Center

Located in Sophia-Antipolis, 1st European tech hub, the MSI Center aims to encourage and provide a structure for transdisciplinary exchanges in research, and to develop links between academic research and local industries in the French SUD Region.

MSI Center

Creating a research partnership

Université Côte d'Azur works in conjunction with competitive clusters and business clusters (FTCA, Telecom Valley, SCS clusters, Safe, Eurobiomed, Cap Energy...) particularly through Leading Centers.
By contracting and co-financing innovative projects, it provides its resources and skills to firms wishing to create new services or products or grow or diversity via a partnership.
Since the innovation process is not standardized, Université Côte d'Azur meets each situation in a unique and personalized way, as an innovation partner. 

Exploring Technology Platforms

Discover the range of expertise, equipment, technologies and services provided to researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students and private companies by the Université Côte d'Azur's research support structures.

Research support structures

Experienced project leaders

Université Côte d'Azur supports entrepreneurs and project leaders. It maintains close links with the business incubators and accelerators as well as with organizations for accelerating technology transfer, especially for setting up projects in the early phases of applied research.   These aim to transform the proof of concept into experimental or operational prototypes.  

Université Côte d'Azur can support business start-ups by co-financing such projects and providing advice by drawing on its expertise; support tools, skills and knowledge, immersing the innovators in the business creation ecosystem, and potentially investing in the start-up capital.

Artificial and digital intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a major focus for Université Côte d'Azur, which won a 3IA (Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Intelligence Artificielle) Future Investment Project in 2019 and sits at the heart of many initiatives

territoire intelligent
territoire intelligent

Smart local government area, risk prevention and management

The main and cross-sectoral issue in the fields of risk management and intelligent local government areas is human. Our research is focused on this from which many initiatives are derived.

Arome Parfum Cosmétique
Arome Parfum Cosmétique

Aroma Perfume Cosmetic

The Institute of Innovation and Partnership Arôme Parfum Cosmétique's objective is to promote expertise and academic innovation to help regional economic development.

Santé Vieillissement
Santé Vieillissement

Health, well-being and ageing

Providing academic and industrial partners with a privileged open forum for discussions and sharing as part of innovative collaborations in health. Université Côte d'Azur's objective is to collect, analyze and exploit data in order to produce innovations and test them in specific environments.