Immersion project: Centre Scientifique de Monaco (CSM)

Ecosystem services, mangroves and blue carbon

Centre Scientifique de Monaco (CSM)


Nathalie Hilmi, CSM Monaco


Within the Centre Scientific de Monaco, the Marine biology department hosts an environmental economics theme that examines the socio-economic impacts generated by CO2 emissions, whether from climate change or ocean acidification. In the tropics, special attention has been paid to studying coral reef ecosystem services. Several SDGs are concerned by the good health of coral reefs (food security, fight against poverty, human health ...). Collaboration with socio-economic experts allowed to consider together the economic, social and cultural aspects of such an ecosystem. Governance aspects are crucial when we talk about managing natural capital and conserving environmental resources. Indeed, the actors involved in the process of protection or resilience are multiple. So the decision is made at different levels from local to global by a multitude of actors, thus communication is essential for research to reach all levels of decision-making.


Mangroves (with salt marshes and seagrass) are known for their role as Blue carbon.

They also provide other Ecosystem Services. It would be interesting to have a literature review and then select one or two case studies for this immersion project.

Quantify the role of mangroves as coastal blue carbon (carbon sequestration and other ES) opportunity.


Started Fall 2019

Current student: Matias Crisostomo