Academy of Excellence "Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"
on the May 31, 2018
On Thursday 31 May at Nice airport’s business center, the Côte d'Azur University organized a Business networking day, an event designed to bring about new collaborations between the University and the socio-economic world. The day was very successful and resulted in many new contacts.
This was the second edition of the Côte d'Azur University/Businesses networking event. The first was held at the same location in October 2016 and aimed to present to the companies that had supported the development of IDEX the various collaboration opportunities with the Côte d'Azur University. Following this first meeting, the Call for Innovation Projects was launched, with the objective of co-financing starter, transfer and research and development projects carried out jointly by one of the 13 members of the Côte d'Azur University and a partner company.
18 months later, this second meeting showed that the collaboration intentions had materialized: 5 success stories from this call for projects were put in the spotlight during this second Côte d'Azur University Business networking day: the cleaning company GSF and its experience of collaboration with Demola; the organic alternative to crops proposed by Mycophyto and the Inra; the virtual reality video streaming project between the audiovisual production company Adastra Films and the I3S computer lab; the Fastlite photonics project in collaboration with the physics laboratory Inphyni; and the development of an application for the resumption of sport among seniors between My Coach and IMREDD. Five cases where public research has helped a company start or diversify its business.
The afternoon was dedicated to meetings between researchers and companies: thanks to a personalized appointment-making system, about 40 companies had scheduled appointments in advance with Côte d'Azur University contacts capable of helping them in their scientific or technological projects.
Throughout the day, the academies of excellence and reference centers were present to inform companies about private/public collaboration contracts and existing local platforms and their terms of use, as well as to present the wide field of research topics covered by Côte d'Azur University.
RDV entrerpriseUCA from Université Côte d'Azur on Vimeo.