Events of the Academy 3

Academy Inaugural Seminar

Septemeber 27, 2024 : Academy Inaugural Seminar
October 13, 2023 : Academy Inaugural Seminar

Academy 3 Theme Days

Mai 27, 2024 : Theme Day "EXPOSURE & POLLUTION"
July 11, 2023: Academy & CNFG "MARALEX: watersheds facing change" thematic morning session
January 30, 2023: Academy & IRD "Hydrosphere" theme day
December 3, 2021:Seminar "Risks, Resilience and Society" of Academy 3 & IRD
Journée A3 et PS Risques en zone Nord-Med
Journée A3 et PS Risques en zone Nord-Med
March 19, 2019: Core Program Day "Risks in the North Mediterranean Zone"
Flyer JA3 et PS Environnement Santé Citoyen du 30.10.2018
Flyer JA3 et PS Environnement Santé Citoyen du 30.10.2018
October 30, 2018: UCAjedi Core Program Day "Environment, Health, Citizen"
  • Event page
  • 62 participants from 18 different laboratories
Photo des participants à la journée UCA Entreprises
Photo des participants à la journée UCA Entreprises
May 31, 2018: Côte d'Azur University Business Networking day (IDEX entities including Academy 3)
Intervenant de la journée MSI_A2_A3
Intervenant de la journée MSI_A2_A3
March 29,  2018: Conference "Challenges for imaging and modeling complex media and processes: The Earth's interior and earthquake rupture"
(MSI, Academies 2 et 3)
Affiche journée d'étude et valorisation du territoire A3 A5
Affiche journée d'étude et valorisation du territoire A3 A5

February 19, 2018: 2nd Edition of the Territory Study and Valuation Day
(Academies 3 and 5)

Illustration journées A3
Illustration journées A3

2017-2018: Academy 3 days #1 and #2

The purpose of these days was to present the projects supported, to foster interactions between members of the Academy 3 community, and to initiate new collaborations.