Academy of Excellence "Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"
Academy 3 Calls for projects
Make Academy 3 your partner!
With an annual budget, Academy 3 supports research, education and outreach projects, that are transdisciplinary, innovative, and international in scope. Various types of support are available.
Quick look at previous funded projects:
Projects funded in 2024 Projects funded in 2023 Projects funded in 2022Calls for projects in progress
- Call for project Consortium - 2025
To foster trans-disciplinary research
It aims to support projects which clearly contribute to one or more of the four Academy 3’s topics of interest in order to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (see our strategy HERE).
Applications may be submitted by a researcher from Université Côte d'Azur or one of its partners. Applications from CDD are not eligible for this call.
Projects run for a maximum of 3 years, with the possibility of renewal from one year to the next. Maximum budget per year: €50k.
Applications for human resources ( PhD, post-doctorate, CDD) are accepted but may not represent more than 2/3 of the funding. Applications exceeding this amount will not be considered.
All recruitment requests must be submitted to the Copil IdEx and approved before funding.
Application evaluations:
Projects will be assessed in two selection steps:
In the first step, project leaders are invited to submit a letter of intent (using the template linked to the call) describing: the objective of the project, its transdisciplinary nature, its links with the listed SDG clusters and the consortium of laboratories involved (3 laboratories involved are required - at least 2 UniCA - but a larger number of partners is encouraged).
In the second step, the selected projects will be negotiated (structure and allocation) directly with the Copil and the Scientific Committee of Academy 3. The final selection will then be made.
First step
• Call Launch: January 27, 2025
• Application submission Deadline: March 26, 2025 (6 pm)
Second step
• Evaluation and audition of selected projects: April/May 2025
• Application final results notification: end of May 2025
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI and written in English or French. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_ConsortiumAO25_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo:
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 Consortium Call 2024”.
Using the template linked to the call, the pdf document sent cannot exceed 5 pages and must contain:
• Description of the project and how it contributes to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (2 pages)
• Estimation of funding request
• Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
• Signature of all PI’s DU
- Fil de l'eau - Event
Support to the scientific animation
Academy 3 wishes to give you increased flexibility by reopening a “fil de l'eau” funding tool. This “fil de l’eau” funding tool will be opened all year long.
It aims to support events which clearly contribute to one or more of the four Academy 3’s topics of interest :1. Anthropogenic health and environmental risks
2. Natural hazards and their impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
Funding:It is suggested that proposals not exceed 2 k€. Funding can be used for operating costs only.
Co-funding is greatly encouraged.
Those who have already benefited from Academy 3 support in the current year will not be given priority.How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI. Proposals should be sent by mail to with the email subject: “Fil de l'eau A3 - Animation Scientifique”.
For any questions, please contact Lucie Porcherie at
Closed Calls for projects
- Call for projet First - 2025
To support innovative research
The call is opened to continuing or new projects that intensively contribute to one or more of the four Academy 3’s topics of interest that are listed below (see our strategy HERE).
Applications may be submitted by a researcher at Université Côte d'Azur or its partners. In order to help young researchers gaining experience, UCA post-doctoral fellows may also submit an application*.
* This special submission must be submitted with :
• a letter of support from a permanent member
• a paragraph stating that the duration of your post-doctorate is in line with the project's duration
The maximum amount of allocation is 7 000 € (HT).
Equipment, functioning and Masters internships are eligible (the purchase of computer equipment is excluded, except for specific scientific software).
Projects that will involve a Master student will be favored.
• Call Launch: January 27, 2025
Application submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
• Application results notification at the end of March 2025
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted in French or in English by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_FirstAO24_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo:
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 First Call 2025”.
Using the template linked to the call, the pdf document sent cannot exceed 3 pages and must contain:
• Title and acronym of the project; name of the UCA PI; hosting laboratory
• Short description of the project and how it contributes to one or more of Academy 3’s topics of interest (1 page)
• Detailed funding request and justification (1/2 page)
• Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
• DU signature
- Call for project Consortium - 2024
To foster trans-disciplinary research
It aims to support projects which clearly contribute to one or more of the four Academy 3’s topics of interest in order to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (see our strategy HERE).
Applications may be submitted by a researcher from Université Côte d'Azur or one of its partners. Applications from CDD are not eligible for this call.
Project are for a maximum of 3 years, with a possible reconduction year by year. Maximum budget per year: around 50 k€.
> No PhD or post Doctorate fellowships but Master and CDD fellowships are acceptable.
> All requests for recruitment (CDD fellowships) must be submitted to Copil IdEx and validated before funding.
Application evaluations:
Projects will be evaluated with two selection phases:
1) In the first phase, proposers are asked to submit a letter of intention (using the template linked to the call) describing: the aim of the project, its trans-disciplinary character, its links with listed (above) clusters of SDGs, and the consortium of laboratories involved (3 laboratories involved are required - at least 2 UniCA - but more partner is encouraged).
2) In the second phase, selected projects will be negotiated (structure and allocation) directly with Academy 3's Copil and Scientific Committee. Final selection will then be made.
First phase
• Call Launch: January 22, 2024
• Application submission Deadline: March 20, 2024 (6 pm)
Second phase
• Evaluation and audition of selected projects: April 2024
• Application final results notification: early May 2024
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI and written in English or French. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_ConsortiumAO24_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo:
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 Consortium Call 2024”.
Using the template linked to the call, the pdf document sent cannot exceed 5 pages and must contain:
• Title and acronym of the project; name of the UniCA PI; consortium of laboratories (3 laboratories of different fields are required - at least 2 UniCA)
• Description of the project and how it contributes to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (2 pages)
• Estimation of funding request
• Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
• Signature of all PI’s DU
Download the template for this call: Template Consortium 2024 - Call for project First - 2024
To support innovative research
The call is opened to continuing or new projects that intensively contribute to one or more of the four Academy 3’s topics of interest that are listed below (see our strategy HERE).
Applications may be submitted by a researcher at Université Côte d'Azur or its partners. In order to help young researchers gaining experience, UCA post-doctoral fellows may also submit an application*.
* This special submission must be submitted with :
• a letter of support from a permanent member
• a paragraph stating that the duration of your post-doctorate is in line with the project's duration
The maximum amount of allocation is 7 000 € (HT).
Equipment, functioning and Masters internships are eligible (the purchase of computer equipment is excluded, except for specific scientific software).
Projects that will involve a Master student will be favored.
• Call Launch: January 22, 2024
Application submission Deadline: February 21, 2024
• Application results notification at the end of March 2024
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted in French or in English by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_FirstAO24_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo:
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 First Call 2024”.
Using the template linked to the call, the pdf document sent cannot exceed 3 pages and must contain:
• Title and acronym of the project; name of the UCA PI; hosting laboratory
• Short description of the project and how it contributes to one or more of Academy 3’s topics of interest (1 page)
• Detailed funding request and justification (1/2 page)
• Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
• DU signature
Download the template for this call: Template First 2024 - Consortium call - 2023
It aims to support projects which clearly contribute to one or more of the five Academy 3’s topics of interest in order to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches :
1. Assessing and sensing anthropogenic hazards on human health, environments and global changes
2. Natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods, climatic events, etc.) and impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
5. Risk assessment and management in relation to smart cities and territoriesFunding:
Project are for a maximum of 3 years, with a reconduction year by year. Maximum budget per year: around 60 k€.
No PhD nor post Doctorate fellowships but Master and fixed-term contract are acceptable.How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI and written in English or French. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_ConsortiumAO23_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo.
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 Consortium Call 2023”.
The pdf document, which cannot exceed 3 pages, must contain:
Title and acronym of the project; name of the UniCA PI; consortium of laboratories (3 laboratories involved are required - at least 2 UniCA) Description of the project and how it contributes to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (2 pages) Estimation of funding request (1/2 page) Presentation of the PI (1/2 page) Signature of all PI’s DUProjects will be evaluated with two selection phases:
In the first phase, proposers are asked to submit a letter of intention describing : the aim of the project, its trans-disciplinary character, its links with listed (above) clusters of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the consortium of laboratories involved (3 laboratories involved are required - at least 2 UniCA, but more partners are encouraged). In the second phase, selected projects will be negotiated (structure and allocation) directly with Academy 3's Copil and Scientific Committee. Final selection will then be made: only one project will be selected.
Call Launch: September 4th of 2023
Application submission Deadline: October 19, 2023 (6 pm) - "First" call - 2023
The call is opened to continuing or new projects that intensively contribute to one or more of the five Academy 3’s topics of interest that are listed bellow :
1. Assessing and sensing anthropogenic hazards on human health, environments and global changes
2. Natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods, climatic events, etc.) and impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
5. Risk assessment and management in relation to smart cities and territoriesFunding:
The maximum amount of allocation is 7 000 HT euros. Equipment, fonctioning and Masters internships are eligible (the purchase of computer equipment is excluded, except for specific scientific software). Projects that will involve a Master student will be favored.
- Call Launch: March 1st, 2023
- Application submission Deadline: April 14, 2023 (6 pm) No late projects will be accepted
- Application results notification: After May 22, 2023
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_First_AO23_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo. The pdf document must include the following information:
- Title of the project; name of the UCA PI; hosting laboratory
- Short description of the project and how it contributes to one or more of Academy 3’s topics of interest (1 page)
- Detailed funding request and justification (1/2 page)
- Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
- Consortium call #2 - 2022
2nd call of 2022 to foster trans-disciplinary research
It aims to support projects which clearly contribute to one or more of the five Academy 3’s topics of interest in order to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches :1. Assessing and sensing anthropogenic hazards on human health, environments and global changes
2. Natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods, climatic events, etc.) and impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
5. Risk assessment and management in relation to smart cities and territories
Funding:Project are for a maximum of 3 years, with a reconduction year by year. Maximum budget per year: around 60 k€.
No PhD nor post Doctorate fellowships but Master and fixed-term contract are acceptable.
Application evaluations:Projects will be evaluated with two selection phases:
- In the first phase, proposers are asked to submit a letter of intention describing : the aim of the project, its trans-disciplinary character, its links with listed (above) clusters of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the consortium of laboratories involved (at least 2 UCA laboratories of different fields are required, but more partners are encouraged).
- In the second phase, selected projects will be negotiated (structure and allocation) directly with Academy 3's Copil and Scientific Committee. Final selection will then be made.
Calendar:First phase
- Call Launch: September 9, 2022
- Application submission Deadline: October 21, 2022 (12 pm)
- Application results notification: end of fall 2022
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_ConsortiumAO22_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo.
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 Consortium Call 2022”. The pdf document, which cannot exceed 3 pages, must contain:
- Title of the project; name of the UCA PI; consortium of laboratories (at least 2 laboratories of different fields are required)
- Description of the project and how it contributes to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (2 pages)
- Estimation of funding request (1/2 page)
- Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
For any questions, please contact Manon Le Gourrierec at - "First" call - 2022
2nd call of 2022 to support innovative research
The call is opened to continuing or new projects that intensively contribute to one or more of the five Academy 3’s topics of interest that are listed bellow :1. Assessing and sensing anthropogenic hazards on human health, environments and global changes
2. Natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods, climatic events, etc.) and impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
5. Risk assessment and management in relation to smart cities and territories
The maximum amount of allocation is 7 000 HT euros. Equipment, fonctioning and Masters internships are eligible (the purchase of computer equipment is excluded, except for specific scientific software). Projects that will involve a Master student will be favored.
Calendar:- Call Launch: September 9, 2022
- Application submission Deadline: September 30, 2022 (12 pm)
- Application results notification: in the fall 2022
How to apply:Applications must be submitted by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_First_AO22_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo.
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3-First Call 2022”. The pdf document must include the following information:
- Title of the project; name of the UCA PI; hosting laboratory
- Short description of the project and how it contributes to one or more of Academy 3’s topics of interest (1 page)
- Detailed funding request and justification (1/2 page) Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
For any questions, please contact Manon Le Gourrierec at
- Consortium call - 2022
Academy 3 is launching its consortium call to foster trans-disciplinary research - January 2022
It aims to support projects which clearly contribute to one or more of the five Academy 3’s topics of interest in relation with UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), in order to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches :
1. Assessing and sensing anthropogenic hazards on human health, environments and global changes
2. Natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods, climatic events, etc.) and impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
5. Risk assessment and management in relation to smart cities and territories
Project are for a maximum of 3 years, with a reconduction year by year. Maximum budget per year: around 60 k€.
No PhD nor post Doctorate fellowships but Master and fixed-term contract are acceptable.Application evaluations:
Projects will be evaluated with two selection phases:
- In the first phase, proposers are asked to submit a letter of intention describing : the aim of the project, its trans-disciplinary character, its links with listed (above) clusters of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the consortium of laboratories involved (at least 2 UCA laboratories of different fields are required, but more partners are encouraged).
- In the second phase, selected projects will be negotiated (structure and allocation) directly with Academy 3's Copil and Scientific Committee. Final selection will then be made.
First phase
- Call Launch: January 21, 2022
- Application submission Deadline: March 13, 2022 (6 pm)
- Application results notification: March 30, 2022
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_ConsortiumAO22_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo.
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 Consortium Call 2022”. The pdf document, which cannot exceed 3 pages, must contain:
- Title of the project; name of the UCA PI; consortium of laboratories (at least 2 laboratories of different fields are required)
- Description of the project and how it contributes to ramp up collaborative and trans-disciplinary approaches (2 pages)
- Estimation of funding request (1/2 page)
- Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
For any questions, please contact Manon Le Gourrierec at
- Operating call to support open research - 2022
Academy 3 is launching its operating call to support open research - January 2022
The call is opened to continuing or new projects that intensively contribute to one or more of the five Academy 3’s topics of interest that are listed bellow in relation with UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) :1. Assessing and sensing anthropogenic hazards on human health, environments and global changes
2. Natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, floods, climatic events, etc.) and impacts on environments, cities and societies
3. Energy- and resource-related environmental challenges
4. Threats on oceans and coastal areas
5. Risk assessment and management in relation to smart cities and territories
The maximum amount of allocation is 7 000 HT euros.
Funding:- Equipment, fonctioning and Masters internships are eligible (the purchase of computer equipment is excluded, except for specific scientific software).
- Projects that will involve a Master student will be favored.
- Call Launch: January 21, 2022
- Application submission Deadline: February 11, 2022 (4 pm)
- Application results notification: February 25, 2022
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by the project PI. Proposals should be uploaded as a single pdf document (named “Academy3_EquipmentAO22_your name”) on the submission site Nuxeo.
Please also send the pdf document to with the email subject: “Application to Academy 3 Equipment Call 2022”. The pdf document must include the following information:
- Title of the project; name of the UCA PI; hosting laboratory
- Short description of the project and how it contributes to one or more of Academy 3’s topics of interest (1 page)
- Detailed funding request and justification (1/2 page)
- Presentation of the PI (1/2 page)
For any questions, please contact Manon Le Gourrierec at
Consult the list of projects funded!