Academy of Excellence "Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"
Academy of Excellence "Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"
Université Côte d'Azur's IdEx features five Academies of Excellence. Among these, Academy 3 "Space, Environment, Risks and Resilience" unites and supports multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary research on natural and anthropogenic hazards and risks and their social-environmental impacts. Its aims include contributing to sustainable development.
HAL Publications
- 2 Dec18 Mar
- 27 Jan26 Mar
- 1 Feb3 Apr
- International
February 17, 2025... With Heïdi Sevestre as a guest! -
- Sustainable Development
- Research
December 4, 2024Academy 3 ‘Space, Environment, Risks and Resilience’ is delighted to share with you the 2024 edition of the Green Book! -
- Sustainable Development
- Research
October 21, 2024Inaugural seminar of Academy 3 "Space, Environment, Risks and Resilience": a look back at a second successful morning of interdisciplinarity! -
- Research
January 29, 2024ARCHEOSISMOTEIL : Archaeoseismology in the Teil region, Recording historical earthquakes and the seismic resilience of medieval buildings in Ardèche - D.Mercerat - CEREMA
Contact us
Manon Le Gourrierec
Bât.1, 250 rue Albert Einstein
06560 Valbonne