Academy of Excellence "Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"
Academy 3 structure
Academy 3 "Space, Environment, Risks and Resilience" is led by:
- An Academy Head
- A Steering Committee
- A Scientific Council
- A Project Manager
- Academy Head
The Academy Head leads the strategy and operation of the Academy. He/she is the principle contact of the IDEX Directorate. He/she chairs and leads the Academy's Steering Committee. He/she represents Academy 3 in all interactions with members and laboratories of Côte d'Azur University, other IDEX structures, institutions and partners, and external partners.
Academy Head: Christophe Den Auwer
Portrait Christophe Den Auwer nouveau responsable de l'Académie 3
Institut de Chimie de Nice - ICN Academy head 2017 - sep.2021
portrait Isabelle Manighetti
GEOAZUR, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
- Steering Committee
The Steering Committee (CoPil) is the decision-making body of Academy 3. It is currently composed of 4 people in addition to the Academy head, all from different laboratories or structures of the Côte d'Azur University.
The Steering Committee has a decision-making and executive role. It:- consults the Academy's Scientific Council
- defines the Academy's strategy (goals, actions to be carried out)
- decides on the allocation of the Academy's budget
- monitors and evaluates current projects and actions
- Members of the Steering Committee 2021 - 2025
- Members of the Steering Committee 2016 - 2021
portrait Isabelle Manighetti
Phys. CNAP Isabelle Manighetti – GEOAZUR, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Tristan Guillot (Lagrange, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur) has been member of the Steering Committee in 2017-2019.
- Scientific Council
The Scientific Council (CS) is advisory body. It is a committee of experts representing the disciplinary and institutional diversity of Academy 3. The CS of Academy 3 is therefore largely multi-disciplinary.
The Scientific Council has a role of advisor and of outreach and dissemination. It:- advises the CoPil on the Academy's strategic directions
- evaluates projects submitted to the Academy
- contributes to the transmission of information to and from laboratories and other partners
- participates in the Academy's scientific outreach and dissemination activities
In the period of 2021-2025, the CS was composed of 17 members from 14 laboratories of Côte d'Azur University in various disciplines.
- Members of the Scientific Council 2021-2025
- - MCF Damien Bazin, GREDEG
- CR Frédérique Bertoncello, CEPAM, OTECCA
- DR Georges Carle, TIRO-MATOs
- CR Carole Rovere, IPMC
- DR Christine Coustau, ISA
- MCF Victorita Dolean, LJAD
- Pr Emmanuel Tric, IMREDD
- DR Armel Gallet, ISA
- Pr Nicolas Glaichenhaus, IPMC
- MCF Charlotte Hurel, INPHYNI
- DR Florent Lafarge, INRIA
- DR Nathalie Lazaric, GREDEG
- DR Jérôme Lebrun, I3S
- CR Diego Mercerat, CEREMA-Géoazur
- Dr Hervé Raps, Centre Scientifique de Monaco (CSM)
- Pr Christian Rinaudo, URMIS
- MCF Christine Risso, ECOSEAS - Members of the Scientific Council 2016-2020
Biology, Medicine and Health
DR Christine Coustau, INRAe
Pr Patrick Fénichel, CHU de Nice
DR Armel Gallet, INRAe
Pr Nicolas Glaichenhaus, IPMCSocial Sciences
DR Bertrand Groslambert, SKEMA
Pr Maurille Larivière, SDS
Pr Pascale Steichen, GREDEG
Pr Catherine Thomas, GREDEGMathematics
Pr Didier Clamond, LJAD
DR Luc Pronzato, I3SEarth and Space Sciences
Pr Guy Libourel, LAGRANGE, Observatoire de la Côte d'AzurPhysics
CR Xavier Noblin, INPHYNIDigital Sciences
DR Yuliya Tarabalka, INRIA
DR Josiane Zérubia, INRIA
- Project Manager
Having an in-depth knowledge of the organization and operation of IDEX and the Côte d'Azur University, the Project Manager supports the functional and strategic management of the Academy.
His/her role is to:- manage the Academy's activities on a daily basis (organizing meetings, monitoring projects, communication, website, etc.)
- coordinate with the administrative and financial services of the Côte d'Azur University to ensure the proper administrative and budgetary monitoring of projects supported by the Academy
- establish and maintain links with researchers and laboratories at Côte d'Azur University and their partners
- contribute to strategic discussions within the Scientific Council and Steering Committee
portrait Manon Le Gourrierec Chargée de mission de l'Académie 3
Academy of Excellence 3
"Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"