Project funded by Academy 3 in 2023


As part of its call for "Consortium" projects aimed at intensifying collaborative and transdisciplinary approaches, Academy 3 has funded 1 large-scale project, for a total amount of €37,000.

  • C. Hurel (INPHYNI) : CASHOO : eleCtromigration to remove pHOsphate and ammOnium ions from an aquaculture pond by AdSorption


Thanks to the "First" call for projects that Academy 3 launched in 2023 in order to support innovative research projects that contribute intensively to one or more of its five priority themes, 6 projects were supported for a total of €40,116.

  • A. Combey (GEOAZUR-IRD) : Ambient vibration testing and vulnerability assessment of Inca and colonial buildings in the city of Cusco, Peru
  • L. Dussol (CEPAM) : REBIRTH - Ecological resilience and biodiversity of tropical forests after the cessation of human activities
  • F. Michaud (GEOAZUR-OCA) : Deformation and fluids circulation relationship with the Pedernales earthquake
  • J. Noël (IPMC) : PSYchiatric disorders and COmorbidities caused by pollution in the MEDiterranean area
  • G. Ratzov (GEOAZUR) : Decipher deep-marine sedimentary archive of Past Extreme Events east of TaiWAN
  • J. Verdura (ECOSEAS) : MarFor-SPOT : Application of new technologies in combination with traditional field mapping to assess the conservation status of marine forests in the last hot spot of biodiversity of the French Riviera.


As part of its call for "Consortium" projects aimed at intensifying collaborative and transdisciplinary approaches launched in 2022, Academy 3 has refunded 4 large-scale projects, for a total amount of €154,600.

Consortium Call - January 2022 - Refunded in May 2023
  • A. Gallet (ISA) : VirBt - Foodborne outbreaks and bacteremia associated to Bacillus thuringiensis biopesticides: in vivo evaluation and modeling of the virulence potential.
  • N. Lazaric (GREDEG) : TEFOR - TErritorial FOod systems Resilience - Co-construction of tomorrow’s agriculture scenarios.
  • C. Sabourault (ECOSEAS) : MARE - Integrated management of marine resources (application to the future AMP of Nice).
Consortium Call - November 2022 - Refunded in November 2023
  • M.-Y. Bottein (ECOSEAS) : BENTOX+ - The role of benthic communities in the production and transfer of marine microalgal toxins: environmental, health and economic issues


As parts of its "Fil de l'eau" dedicated to scientific animations, the Academy has co-financed 3 events:

  • B. Tamba-Sandouno (INRIA) : MOMI 2023 - The World of Industrial Mathematics- Smart Environment
  • D. Bazin (GREDEG) : Anthropocene, Collapsology, Environmental Justice & Responsible Consumption seminar
  • A. Millet-Devalle (LADIE) : Workshop on the European Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism