2nd Edition of the Territory Study and Valuation Day

Published on March 17, 2021 Updated on October 1, 2021

on the February 19, 2018

After the success of the first Territory Study and Valuation Day, academies 3 ("Space, Environment, Risks and Resilience") and 5 ("Man, Ideas and Environments") are teaming up to organize the 2nd edition, on February 19, 2018.

Focusing on trans-disciplinarity, this day will consist of two parts where professionals from the public and private sectors will meet around different themes, cross-cutting between the two academies:


  • A look back at the 1st day EVT#1 and the INTREPID (TeRritorial INdicators for Protected Areas: Itinerancy and Sustainable Development) project.
  • Themed roundtables (Protected areas; Tourism; Sport and Health)


  • Presentations on the theme "Risks in the North-Mediterranean zone" and projects funded by Côte d'Azur University.
  • Roundtable on inter-disciplinary initiatives on environmental, territorial and risks issues and presentation of the “Assises de la Transition Ecologique et Citoyenne 06”.

The detailed program can be found in the attached file. A buffet will be offered by the academies. For further information please contact:

Click here for program details!