A look back at the "EXPOSURE & POLLUTION" theme day

  • IDEX
  • Research
Published on May 31, 2024 Updated on May 31, 2024

on the May 27, 2024

Salle Linée, Parc Phoenix, Nice

On Monday May 27, Académie 3 held its annual theme day on Exposure and Pollution: a look back at the day!

As every year, Académie 3 "Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience" organizes a theme day to bring together students, teacher-researchers and scientific experts.
This year, the broad theme of Exposure and Pollution was chosen.
To explore this theme in an interdisciplinary way, 6 experts presentations structured the day, and the debates brought together over 70 participants:
  • Exposome: Definition and issues, Bruno Le Bizec - Co-director of France Exposome, Professor of Food Chemical Safety and Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Residues and Contaminants (Laberca UMR INRAE/Oniris 1329)
  • Reconstruction policy in Fukushima, Cécile Asanuma-Brice - Urban planner and environmental humanist, CNRS researcher based in Japan, co-director of MITATE Lab, Post Fukushima Studies, a CNRS International Research Project
  • Cadmium transfer from soil to agricultural plants, and health impacts, Géraldine Sarret - CNRS Research Director in Environmental Geochemistry, based at ISTerre - Institut des Sciences de la Terre (Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IRD)
  • Marine pollution and human health, Hervé Raps - Research physician (Centre Scientifique de Monaco), member of the "Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health".
  • Air pollution: measuring exposure, Damien Piga - Director of External Relations and Innovation, AtmoSud & Sonia Dagnino - Professor of Biological Engineering specialized in Exposome (UMR TIRO-MATOs)
This enriching day provided an opportunity to cross perspectives and disciplines on a central public health theme: the exposome.