AUtonomy and Food Resilience through Short Circuits in Towns: contributions of geo-foresight


Understanding and assessing short food chains supplying the city of Nice in a multitemporal perspective.

Academy 3 highlight

In a context where the contemporary agri-food model associated with long conventional supply chains predominates, understanding the alternative organization of supply chains based on proximity opens the way to further investigations in connection with the “agri-food transition and challenges related to energy.”

The project

The Auracle project was started in 2022 with doctoral research conducted by Juliette Benedetti. It is part of a wider research project aimed at understanding the dynamics of re-territorialization of food systems through the consultation with all the actors of the food chains: production, distribution and consumption. The project focuses on short food and proximity circuits in the city of Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes department. The objective is to deploy geo-prospecting tools to identify the dynamics of agriculture and the potential for maintaining short and local food supply chains in a context of democratization of long supply chains. Ultimately, this project will define prospective scenarios for food sovereignty in the Nice area. With the support of Academy 3, we were able to collect and analyze data drawn from interviews with distributors in consumption and production areas. Three types of supply chains were identified in the first phase of the project:

  • Short and local supply chains, within a region, in which typical regional products circulate, and which allow a good flow of information from producer to customer.
  • Local supply chains, also within a region.
  • “Short and local stages” with products processed locally but produced anywhere in the world.

The project team around Stéphane Bouissou and Juliette Benedetti will then focus on the last phase of the project: the co-construction of geo-prospective scenarios for food sovereignty in the Nice area.

Pictures of the field surveys, on the stalls of the Libération market (left) and in a retail store in Nice (right).
Pictures of the field surveys, on the stalls of the Libération market (left) and in a retail store in Nice (right). Pictures of the field surveys, on the stalls of the Libération market (left) and in a retail store in Nice (right).

Map of the location of businesses in Nice offering local food products by Léa Mansion
Map of the location of businesses in Nice offering local food products by Léa Mansion Map of the location of businesses in Nice offering local food products by Léa Mansion

The +

The project team quickly created a dense, complete and usable database, and as a result, an intern/doctoral team was set up: "This multi-partner research experience was rewarding for all sides: both as regards the amount of data collected in record time and the analysis of the results."

What's next?

Based on the prospective scenarios for the region assessed by the work on short food chains, the project will identify the potential for maintaining these short food chains in the region. This work help assessing the agricultural spaces that are more vulnerable in the 10 years to come.

Project information

Scientific field:
Social Sciences
Short and local circuits,
Food re-territorialization,
Food sovereignty
Project members:
Stéphane Bouissou,
Karine Emsellem,
Juliette Benedetti
€5,915 from Academy 3
Students involved:
Juliette Benedetti (PhD)
Léa Mansion (M2)
Lyna Khoualdia (M1)
Involved laboratories:
ESPACE - Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, AMU, AU

Stéphane Bouissou

Laboratoire ESPACE (UMR 7300), Université Côte d'Azur

Scientific promotion of the project

BENEDETTI Juliette, EMSELLEM Karine & BOUISSOU Stéphane, « D’ici ou de là-bas ? Diversité d’appréhension des proximités alimentaires à partir des points de vente niçois. », 0 | 2023 - Ma Proximité, GéoProximitéS, URL : https://

Benedetti, Juliette, Karine Emsellem, et Stéphane Bouissou. « Une évaluation des proximités agroalimentaires : le cas des circuits courts et de proximité de la ville de Nice », Annales de géographie, vol. 754, no. 6, 2023, pp. 29-54.

ESPACE | Laboratoire de recherche