Mapping air pollution in the Nice metropolitan area with mobile monitoring


Discover how cutting-edge mobile monitoring is transforming our understanding of air quality in Nice.

niceair Monitoring car equipped with sensors for the detection of air pollution metrics

Academy 3 highlight

By improving the spatial resolution of air quality data and linking pollution exposure to health outcomes in various local projects, the initiative directly supports the topic of ensuring healthy lives. It allows for a more accurate assessment of the effects of air pollution on health in Nice. Therefore, NICE-AIR also contributes to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.”

The project

Air pollution is a major public health concern, particularly in urban environments where the concentration of pollutants can vary significantly over short distances. Traditional methods for monitoring air quality, though effective, offer limited spatial resolution and provide a general picture that can overlook the nuanced variations of urban pollution landscapes. The advent of mobile air quality monitoring carried out by a vehicle equipped with sophisticated air quality sensors, marks a decisive advance in environmental health research. This initiative, conducted under the European EXPANSE project, aims to deploy this innovative technology in the city of Nice (France) to gather detailed data on a range of pollutants, including black carbon, NO2, PM2.5, PM10, and ultrafine particles. In 2024-2025, this project will conduct comprehensive measurement campaigns across the Nice metropolitan area to map air pollution with an unprecedented level of detail. By integrating this granular data with ongoing health research projects within the city, the project seeks to elucidate the complex relationship between air pollution exposure and health outcomes. The findings of this research will not only improve our understanding of urban air quality dynamics but also inform public health strategies and policies, by providing the tools needed to create healthier and more sustainable urban environments. It will ultimately contribute to the well-being of the urban population. The future developments of this project are aimed at significantly advancing environmental health research. In addition to mapping air pollution across the urban area of Nice, the aim will be to establish a direct link between high-resolution air pollution data and local cohorts for exposome-based studies. This integration should provide a deeper understanding of how specific pollutants influence health outcomes and make it possible for researchers to dissect the complex interplay between environmental factors and disease at an unprecedented level of detail.

niceair Schematic outline of the project

The +

The key highlight of this project is an innovative mobile Air Quality Monitoring device that captures detailed pollution data across the urban landscape of Nice, France. High spatial resolution brings an unprecedented level of detail to air pollution mapping, down to sub-street levels, which cannot be provided by traditional, fixed, monitoring stations.

What’s next?

By providing a more nuanced view of exposure risks within varied urban environments, the project aims to make a vital contribution to the development of targeted public health interventions and policies. These advances will not only improve the accuracy of exposome research, but also offer a blueprint for cities worldwide to better safeguard the health of their residents against the insidious effects of air pollution.


Scientific promotion of the project

Scientific domain
Environmental and Human Health, Health Risks
Key words
Air pollution
Total budget
€15,000, including €5,000 from Academy 3
Students involved

TIRO-MATOs – Université Côte d’Azur, CEA
ESPACE - Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, AMU, AU
AtmoSud – Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

International collaborations
University of Utrecht - Netherlands
EXPANSE project

Project members
Sonia Dagnino
Sandra Perez
Thierry Pourcher
Sabine Lindenthal

Sonia Dagnino

TIRO-MATOs – Université Côte d’Azur, CEA

Project valorization

EXPANSE project website :