Academy of Excellence "Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience"
6 research equipment were selected and funded following the Academy's 6th call for projects, for a total amount of 63,068 €.
Research equipment selected:
- A. Amiel and E. Rottinger (IRCAN) : Individual tanks and filtering systems required to culture the two coral species for the project "Development of innovative marine invertebrate culture systems for functional experimentation on stress response and the impact of the marine environment on human health".
- C. Den Auwer (ICN) : circular saw dedicated to radioactive biological sample for the project "Combining laboratory scale experiments and environmental data to understand metallic radionuclide accumulation in marine species".
- I. Manighetti (Géoazur) : Perpetual licenses for ERMAPPER software for the project "Traitement et visualisation des données aéro-spatiales pour la cartographie de la surface terrestre".
- C. Rovere (IPMC) : Metabolic phenotyping cage for the project "NutriNeuro - Nutritionnal lipids, Neuroinflammation and Obesity - The Deleterious Role of Industrial Fatty Acids".
- O. Visvikis (C3M, INSERM) : Leica MZ10F Stereomicroscope for the project "Using stereomicroscopy to monitor the impact of infectious and environmental stresses on human health".
- N. Zucchini-Pascal (INRAe) : Upgrade of digital CCD imager for multiplex detection and quantification of proteins for the project "CrysMASS - Physiological impact of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins in non-target organisms: Identification of the Cry interactome in Drosophila melanogaster".