Entering the job market with a MSc BOOST degree

According to "Pôle Emploi", the French Agency for Employement, 85% of 2030 jobs do not exist yet. This seems particurlaly true for Biocontrol, Plant Health and Agroecology fields.

BOOST objective is to grow the next generation of professionals in sustanaible plant protection!

BOOST objective is to train students so they'll be able to conduct research programs and R&D of eco-friendly plant protection solutions. A major global challenge is to implement ecofriendly plant production technologies, while minimizing the hazards and risks to human health and the environment. This challenge is faced by all economic sectors that produce or use plants: agriculture, agrifood, cosmetics, pharmaceutics.

BOOST alumni job examples

  • Marie Francois - BOOST class 2019-2021 - R&D Crop Science Project Leader   at    LMR Naturals by IFF
  • Marina Rosenthal Pereira Lima - BOOST class 2019-2021 - R&D coordinator   at   Rovensa Next
  • Julie Lopez - BOOST class 2019-2021 - Biocontrol Engineer  at   Morel diffusion
  • Guillaume Andrevon - BOOST class 2020-2022 - R&D engineer   at    BIOLINE AGROSCIENCES
  • Alexis Gruchet - BOOST class 2020-2022 - Head of crop and aquaculture production    at    Eauzons!
  • Laura Degrandi Pezzi - BOOST class 2020-2022 - Engineer   at    BIOVA FRANCE

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