Tuition fees & Funding

Tuition Fees & Administrative procedures

European and non-European students are welcome to apply to BOOST MSc!

  • For EU students, the admission fees are 300 € / year
  • For non-EU students, the admission fees are 5000 € / year
  • For companies and staff, ask for an invoice.

Please note that the total amount of the tuition fees indicated at the time of entry into the MSc is valid for one academic year and will be carried over to the following year in case of further study and/or repetition of a year (Deliberation n° 2021-27 of the “Conseil Académique” (Academic Council) of October 28, 2021)).

Where can I apply for a scholarship?

  • In addition and before applying to BOOST MSc
  • Refer to the Campus France website for more information 
  • Find the list of the countries affected by the "Etudes en France" (Studying in France) procedure

CROUS scholarship

  • BOOST program is eligible for CROUS scholarship 2023-24
  • Info & application directly on the CROUS website (in French)
  • If assistance is needed, refer to the Assistance tab on the website (in French)

UCAJedi Idex scholarship for 10 best applicants!

  • Each year Université Côte d'Azur awards 10 Idex scholarships to the best MSc candidates. The recipients of these grants of excellence will be exempt from tuition fees and will receive a stipend of €5,000.
  • Applications are OPEN until 15 May 2024

Other funding opportunities

  • Some institutions/home countries offer scholarships and/or allowances for educational programs. If opportunities are available to you, please feel free to get in touch with the BOOST team (). We are willing to help you get the resources you need!