MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Mastering Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Two-Year Program

The MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is a two-year program that provides training in data science and artificial intelligence methods, with an emphasis on mathematical and computer science perspectives.

Students will receive a thorough grounding in theory, while also learning the technical and practical skills needed in data science and artificial intelligence, enabling them to apply advanced methods to investigate real-world problems.The core courses will give students a comprehensive understanding of some of the most fundamental aspects of data, computational techniques, and statistical analysis.

The program combines traditional lectures with computer lab sessions, where students will work with data to complete hands-on exercises using programming tools, and analyze real data provided by professionals working in the industry.




Alpes Maritimes, a land of AI

Sophia Antipolis is Europe’s leading technopole. It brings together world leaders, researchers, SMEs and startups in an exceptional natural environment with a geographical size of 2,400 hectares. Sophia Antipolis science park is a place of innovation, with several labs such as Inria, CNRS, EURECOM, INSERN, as well as main companies.

The MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence is certified by the 3IA Côte d'Azur Insitute, one of the four «Interdisciplinary Institute for Artificial Intelligence» labelled in 2019 by the French Government. The label certify the excellence of a program and that at least 50 % of the courses are dedicated to AI. 

Major events in AI are held in the region, such as the SophI.A Summit or World AI Cannes Festival.

The SophiaTech Campus, Lucioles site, is based in the heart of Sophia Antipolis. The MSc DSAI students benefit from this rich ecosystem teeming with opportunities.

MSc Data Science & AI presentation by students and professors


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Campus Sophia Antipolis, site Lucioles 
         1645 route des Lucioles 
         06410 BIOT 