Data Science & AI students

At the end of the MSc DSAI students can work in companies as experts or engineers, in development, research and development, consulting services related to artificial intelligence and machine learning, data processing. They can also continue their training with a doctoral thesis which can be carried out either in an academic research laboratory or in a company, for example with a CIFRE contract.
Students are regularly put in contact with the world of research and business thanks to a research project, case studies, seminars, but also to two compulsory internships.



Anjana Bhat, from India 

Enrolling in the MSC DSAI program at Université Côte d'Azur after completing my Bachelor's in India turned out to be the best decision of my life. The university's facilities and environment surpassed my expectations, offering an unparalleled setting for academic pursuit. However, what truly sets apart any esteemed institution are its professors.
During my Master 1 journey, I had the privilege of being guided by exceptional professors who not only facilitated my understanding of complex concepts but also strengthened my confidence through engaging projects and presentation tasks. Their mentorship played a pivotal role in not just my academic success but also in securing the second rank in my cohort. Recognizing my academic achievements, the university directors graciously awarded me the EFELIA scholarship, which not only eased my financial burdens but also served as a motivating factor to excel further in Master 2.
In Master 2, I am currently undertaking an internship at the Oslo University Lab in Norway, an opportunity that came to realization through the university's extensive network and support system. Additionally, the DSAI department boasts of remarkable coordinators who go above and beyond to assist students, be it in academic matters or resolving any challenges they may encounter.
In summation, I am immensely grateful for the enriching experience I've had as a part of the MSC DSAI program. Université Côte d'Azur has not only provided me with a world-class education but has also nurtured an environment where students are empowered to thrive and succeed.


Joris Limonier, from France

I chose the MSc DSAI because I wanted an English-speaking curriculum that understands the importance of theoretical rigor in Data Science. What I particularly enjoy is the mix between meticulous mathematics and hands-on coding practices. Often, about halfway through a class the professor takes their laptop out and shows us a practical application of what we just studied by programming it.
Another advantage of this Master is the presence of 2 internships, one per year. In my opinion, facing real-life scenarios is a great way to become independent in your work.
Finally, different people have different needs. That’s why most of the second year consists of elective courses, offering the ability to fit to what you actually want from this Master. If you still have recommendations or suggestions, the staff is friendly and will take your feedback into account.


Evariste Njomgue, from France

If you want to apply your knowledge in maths & statistics in your day to day job and you really like to play with data, welcome to Data Science.
After my master in computer science, I worked for 15 years in IT industry. I really love to work with data and I realized that I didn’t have the full knowledge to properly leverage that field, extract and exploit the value from data. I then decided to go back at school.
The first weeks were very challenging, I had to work twice as hard mainly to catch-up with the required background in maths and statistics in order to follow-up the main courses. I really appreciate the MSc DSAI because it combines both theory and practice in each course and one have the opportunity to explore topics deeper if wanted. Professors are available, open to discussions and they encourage students to give their best. There is a lot of labs and projects which give the opportunity to practice and train.
The headcount in the class is good (less than 15), multicultural, with different nationalities, we socialize easily, know each other and create a good community.


Franz Franco Gallo, from Peru

The MSc. Data Science & Artificial Intelligence program at Université Côte d'Azur is rigorous and has given me a better understanding of artificial intelligence, from the basics to cutting-edge applications in various fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, time series and more. It has provided me with the skills I need as a researcher and allowed me to make connections with labs in France during internships, which has led me to my current position as a PhD student at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. Most importantly, the master's program taught me how to develop a research project and how to manage my time.