To assist students in their professional integration, two full-time internships have to be done.

Students can choose to focus on the research area by doing their internships in a laboratory, or to do their internships in a company.

During the first year of the MSc, a 4 to 5 months internship takes place at the end of the academic year. The whole semester 4 of the second year is a 6 months internship.

In both years, the internship starts in April.

Internships can be done in France, but also abroad. The student chooses what best corresponds to his professional project while having a subject of internship in coherence with the MSc.

For the first year, students have to provide a written report.
For the second year, in addition to the report, students have to present their intership in front of a jury.

Example of host organizations

Host companies 


Host laboratories 

  You are a company or a laboratory and you have an internship subject related to our MSc to offer ?