Presentation of the main funding instruments and regional, national and European funders

Although the instruments and projects financed by the funders intersect to create synergies, it is also true that each program responds to a particular logic in connection with the priorities defined by the funding bodies. In this section, the flagship programs are presented: the European Commission, the ANR (excluding PIA) and the Regional Council Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur.


Erasmus + at the service of mobility, training and university cooperation

At European level, mobility, training and university cooperation are mainly funded by the Erasmus + programme through three key actions and the Jean Monnet and Sport sections. While some programs are directly managed by the European Commission (through the EACEA), others are managed by the National Erasmus+ Agency.

Key action 1 Organize student and teacher mobility

Joint Masters

The Joint Masters support excellent training in all disciplines by offering scholarships to the best students in the world for a period of two years (for each student selected).

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International credit mobility

The international credit mobility programme allows the financing of study mobility grants (bachelor, master, doctorate), education and training from and to partner countries (study contract and credit recognition).

Key action 2 Cooperate with other actors in education and training in Europe and worldwide

Strategic partenarships

Strategic Partnerships are projects aimed at implementing innovative practices in education, training, youth, institutional modernization and societal innovation. They are based on 5 objectives: Strengthen the quality and relevance of students' knowledge and skills; Support the social commitment of higher education institutions and promote students' intercultural and civic skills; Encourage innovation and creativity, through partnerships and approaches interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary, and strengthen the role of higher education at the regional level; Ensure that teaching and research are mutually reinforcing Promote internationalisation, recognition and mobility.

Knowledge Alliances
Knowledge Alliances are meant to have a short- and long-term impact on all relevant stakeholders, at the individual, organizational and system level. Knowledge Alliance projects aim to achieve one or more of the following objectives: Develop new innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to learning and teaching; Stimulate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills of teaching staff in Higher Education and Business; Facilitate exchanges, flows and the joint creation of knowledge.
Capacity building
Capacity building projects are transnational cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships concluded mainly between higher education institutions (HEIs) from Program Countries and eligible Partner Countries. They are based on 5 objectives: Improve the modernization and quality of higher education and its relevance to the labor market and society; Improve the level of skills and abilities in higher education institutions by developing new and innovative education programs; Strengthen the management, governance and innovation capacities, as well as the internationalization of higher education institutions; Strengthen the capacities of national authorities to modernize their higher education systems; Foster regional integration and cooperation between different regions of the world

Key action 3 Support for public policy reforms

Projects within Key Action 3 aim to stimulate innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and knowledge exchange in the areas of education, education and youth.

Ad Hoc Instruments

Jean Monnet

The Jean Monnet programme is dedicated to teaching, research and reflection on European Union studies at the global level. It encourages the introduction of studies on European integration in universities via grants. To do this, it mainly finances three types of action: Teaching and research in the field of EU studies: Chair, Module and Center of Excellence; Political debates and exchanges: Networks, Project; Support for associations

The part of the Erasmus + program devoted to Sport aims to encourage European partnerships in the field of grassroots sport through the following actions: Collaborative projects Small collaborative projects Not-for-profit European sports events

H2020/Horizon Europe at the service of research, innovation and career development

At European level, H2020/Horizon Europe is based on 3 complementary pillars: pillar 1 dedicated to Excellence, pillar 2 dedicated to societal challenges and the competitiveness of European industry and pillar 3 dedicated to innovation . Added to these pillars is a transversal program whose objective is to strengthen the European research area. Below is some information on the flagship programs.

Pillar 1: zoom on the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Sklodowska-Curie (AMSC) projects

European Research Council

ERC calls for projects aim to fund research projects with high potential “High Risk, High Gain”. It is a "white scientist" program dedicated to exploratory research.
The ERC opens 5 different calls for projects each year:

  • AAP Starting for researchers who obtained their doctorate in the last 2 to 7 years
  • AAP Consolidation : for researchers who obtained their doctorate in the last 7 to 12 years
  • AAP Advanced: for researchers who obtained their doctorate for at least 12 years
  • AAP Synergy for consortia based on 2 to 4 researchers (note that starting researchers can participate in a Synergy project)
  • AAP Proof of Concept for valuation assistance. This last scholarship is reserved for ERC winners.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (A.M.S.C.) have as their primary objective the development of the careers of researchers of all ages and nationalities. It is a totally white program, the holders are therefore free to present the theme of their choice.
The AMSCs are the subject of 5 calls for projects per year (please note that the titles of the AAPs will change under Horizon Europe):

  • AAP Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) aimed at fostering the exchange of research and innovation personnel in order to strengthen international and intersectoral (public/private) collaboration.
  • AAP Individual fellowships (IF) aimed at supporting a researcher in the development of his career through training and international and intersectoral mobility. Depending on the initial situation of the researcher, there are different types of calls for projects.
  • AAP Cofund aimed at co-financing doctoral or postdoctoral programs at regional, national or international level.
  • AAP European Researchers' Night aimed at bringing researchers closer to the general public and increasing public awareness of research and innovation activities.
  • AAP Innovative Training Network (ITN) aimed at creating innovative training networks in order to strengthen excellence and structure the initial and doctoral training of researchers at the start of their career.

Pillar 2 : zoom on societal challanges

Collaborative projects in response to societal challenges

The H2020/Horizon Europe program provides for the grouping of research and innovation activities within clusters. Pillar 2 is mainly characterized by so-called collaborative calls for projects. In this context, the EC is issuing challenges to the research community, which must form balanced and complementary consortia in order to respond to them.

In Horizon Europe, the clusters will be the following: Health; Culture, creativity and inclusive society; Civil security for society; Digital, industries and space; Climate, energy and mobility; Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment

Pillar 3: zoom on the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the Institutes for Innovation and Technology (EIT)

European Innovation Council

The EIC is a one-stop shop for carrying out breakthrough innovation projects.
In particular, it is implemented through two main, specifically dedicated financing instruments:

  • The Pathfinder which subsidizes R&D projects, collaborative but also single-beneficiary, for TRLs ranging from 1 to 5.;
  • The Accelerator which will subsidize the development of more mature projects in order to allow deployment on the market.
Institutes for Innovation and Technology

EITs aim to create innovation ecosystems in order to support cooperation between research (by funding research projects with high TRLs), training (by creating masters, doctoral programs and continuing education) and the innovation (by supporting entrepreneurs in the sector, by raising funds for the creation of start-ups).

Cross-cutting pillar: Focus on projects aimed at strengthening the European Research Area (ERA)


These are projects aimed at creating new centers of excellence or strengthening existing centers within WIDENING countries through the support of leading scientific institutions.


These are projects aimed at strengthening a defined area of research in a university (or research organization) from a WIDENING country through the support of two research institutions (including university) that are internationally leading in d other Member States or associated countries.

ERA Chairs   

These are projects aimed at creating the appropriate conditions and training researchers and managers within a university (or research organization) within a WIDENING COUNTRY.


These are projects aimed at encouraging the networking of research and innovation communities in Europe. Its objective: to strengthen scientific and technological research by supporting cooperation through networking activities.

The French National Research Agency (ANR) at the service of scientific excellence and the construction of scientific networks

The ANR has implemented an action plan each year which constitutes a real roadmap by integrating the priority orientations of French research.
It provides general visibility of the ANR's funding offer. The action plan is made up of cross-cutting components, each of which has funding instruments, calls for projects and specific actions.

Generic and specific projects

Projets génériques - Composante Recherche et Innovation

Cette composante est portée par l’AAP générique qui est constituée de 4 instruments de financement :

  • JCJC Jeunes chercheuses – Jeunes chercheurs (instrument individuel)
  • PRC – projet de recherche collaborative (partenariat entre académiques)
  • PRCE – projet de recherche collaborative entreprise (partenariat entre académiques et entreprises)
  • PRCI – projet de recherche collaborative internationale (partenariat bilatéral international)
Projets Actions Spécifiques
Les Actions Spécifiques peuvent être mis en place en dehors du calendrier normal de l’appel générique. Ces appels correspondent à des priorités nouvelles décidées par l’état ou des problématiques scientifiques proposées par un (co-)financeur externe.
Il existe également les Projets Flash réponsant à des besoins urgents en matière de recherche (sargasses, Covid 19…) qui nécessitent des réponses rapides.

Generic and specific projects Construction of the European Research Area and France's international attractiveness

Setting up European or International Scientific Networks

This instrument allows researchers to benefit from financial and technical support to build a consortium and respond to a call for ambitious collaborative projects (in particular H2020).

Tremplin ERC

Tremplin funding supports promising candidates in their application to the ERC

ERA NET and JPI Joint Programme Initiative

ERANET projects are pan-European projects, funded by the European Commission, national agencies (in this case the ANR for France) and other private institutions (foundations, associations, etc.). Very often these projects make it possible to include countries that are not members of the European Union thanks to bilateral agreements.

Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur at the service of the regional innovation ecosystem

As part of its policy of supporting the development of the regional economic environment, the Conseil Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur is strongly committed to supporting the regional scientific potential in order to participate in the development of the regional ecosystem. of innovation.

Support offered by the Conseil Sud - PACA

Call for projects: Research

It seemed essential to irrigate the territories even more to strengthen the scientific knowledge that will allow industrial innovations and services in connection with the strategic sectors and key technologies of the region. For this, the South PACA Regional Council launches an annual call for research projects.

Discover the call for projects !
Call for projects: Scientific Outreach

This call for projects concerns international scientific conferences welcoming at least 200 participants and in priority events with at least 25% of researchers from foreign research establishments.
Two components are proposed in this call for projects:

  • Scientific Manifestations
  • Scientific Publishing

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Call for projects: Young Innovative Researchers

The "Young Innovative Researchers" scheme was set up in 2020, by the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region, to support young doctors in the creation of innovative start-ups or within the framework of technology transfer operations.
For this, the Sud PACA Regional Council launches an annual call for research projects.

I discover the call for projects !