The maximum tuition fee is 1500€ per year - it may vary according to your nationality, namely if you are a national of an EU country or of a country outside the EU.

For French and European applicants, registration fees are progressive according to the overall net income of the fiscal household for year N-2 of the parents on whom the student depends. Thus, for the 2022-2023 school year, the amount of tuition fees, calculated from the overall gross income for 2020 (2021 tax notice on 2020 income), is as follows:

GLOBAL GROSS INCOME in 2020 Tuition fees
Is less than 35 000 € 300 €
Above 35 001 € 1 500 €

Students whose parents or student's tax residence (if tax-detached) is located outside a Member State of the European Union pay tuition fees of a lump sum of 1500 €.

An additional amount of 100€ will have to be paid at the beginning of each year for the CVEC, the Contribution for the Students and Campuses Life. It's mandatory to pay those fees to apply in any french universities.

Please note that the total amount of the tuition fees indicated at the time of entry into the MSc is valid for one academic year and will be carried over to the following year in case of further study and/or repetition of a year (Deliberation n° 2021-27 of the “Conseil Académique” (Academic Council) of October 28, 2021)).