Applications are now closed for the September 2024 intakes and will open on the 1st of March 2025 for the September 2025 intakes. 

To apply for the September 2025 intakes, you need to upload the following documents :

  • a resume (CV)
  • a cover letter
  • a copy of passport or ID card
  • a picture of you (passport format)
  • a copy of past degrees in French or in English
  • a copy of your past transcripts of your last degree in French or in English
  • a short video (3 minutes maximum) to present yourself and an educational project you wish to work on for the duration of the program
  • a English proficiency certificate (TOEFL or equivalent) if not a native speaker

Additional but not mandatory documents: 

  • For European students: 2022 Tax Notice on your parents' 2021 income (or yours)
  • Recommendation letter
  • Proof of past professional experience

    Apply to the MSc SmartEdTech