ELSE Scientific Workshops

ELSE First International Workshop

The ELSE project aims to develop a new research-based approach to education in the domain of safety leadership. This transdisciplinary research domain deals with a variety of themes such as safety culture, organizational resilience, high reliability organizations, organizational mindfulness and leadership. In order to promote and conduct multidisciplinary research on organizational safety leadership we organized an international workshop in January 22 - 24, 2020. 

The ELSE Workshop participants
The ELSE Workshop participants Photographer : Marwa Abdellatif. Date : 23rd of January 2020. Place : MSH Nice, France. The ELSE Workshop participants.

Find our latest report here : ELSE Workshop Scientific report

 This workshop served a double objective:

  • It helped identify the state-of-the-art knowledge on the topic of safety leadership/leadership for safety, which in turn will help design a training program for managers and students. 
  • It brought together scientists from the different disciplines and the nuclear sector actors. This interdisciplinary and inter-professional network will guarantee the highest relevance of the ELSE training program, which will be based on a continually updated knowledge on safety leadership/leadership for safety.

The ELSE project developed links with the Academy 3, Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience. This Academy provided an additional funding for the organization of the ELSE Scientific Workshop

Logo Académie 3
Logo Académie 3

The workshop gathered around 36 renowned scholars and nuclear sector experts


DEN AUWER Christophe (Université Côte d’Azur, France) , DENYER David (Cranfield School of Management, UK) , ERMINE Jean Louis (Institut Mines-Telecom, Jean-Louis Ermine Consulting, France), FLIN Rhona (University of Aberdeen, UK), FOX Dennis (Université Côte d’Azur, France) , GHERARDI Silvia (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy), GROTE Gudela (ETH Zürich, Swizerland) , GUNTZBURGER Yoann (SKEMA Business School, France) , HOFMANN A. David (University of North Carolina Kenan-Flangler Business School, USA), JEANSON Aurélie (CNRS Université Côte D’Azur , France),  JESCHKE Katharina Christiane (National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark) , JOURNE Benoit (Université de Nantes IAE Nantes, France) , KUDESIA Ravi S. (Fox School of Business, Temple University, USA) , OBORN Eivor (Warwick Business School, UK), OLIVER Nick (University of Edinburgh Business School, UK), PILBEAM Colin (Cranfield University , UK) , ROUBY Evelyne (Université Côte d’Azur, France), TURNER Nick (Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Canada), ZOHAR Dov (Faculty of IE & Management at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

Nuclear sector experts

ABDULKADER Usama (CEA, France), DRUENNE Hubert ( ENGIE/Tractebel, Belgium),  JEFFROY Francois (IRSN, France), LAGRANGE Valérie (EDF, France), MORACHO Ramirez Maria (IAEA, Austria),  NYS Vincent (WENRA, Belgium), PAVEL Gabriel (ENEN , EU), PINEL Cyril (ETSON, EU /IRSN France), TAZI Dounia (ICSI, France)

European Comission

PINSOLLE Xavier (European Commission INSC Sector - DG International Cooperation and Development) , JANATKOVA Karolína (Instrument for the Nuclear Safety Cooperation of the European Commission, Belgium)

Project team members

BENATTAR Anna (ENSTTI France), JUBAULT KRASNOPEVTSEVA Natalia (SKEMA Business School/ Université Côte d’Azur, France), KAMINSKA Renata (SKEMA Business School/ Université Côte d’Azur, France), LOUVAT Didier (ENSTTI- France), REPUSSARD Jacques ( J Repussard Conseil France), THOMAS Catherine (Université Côte d’Azur, France)

ELSE Second International Workshop

The ELSE project team had the pleasure to organise the ELSE final international workshop, which took place in Nice on June 13 and 14, 2023. The aim of this workshop was to consolidate the experience gained, promote further international cooperation between industry, universities, and regulatory bodies in the field of safety management and leadership for safety. The ELSE workshop brought together experts and professionals from the academic community, the nuclear sector, the European operators and regulators.

ELSE Final International Workshop
ELSE Final International Workshop Photographer : Nancy Bellingan. Date : 13 June 2023. Place : EUR ELMI Nice, France. The ELSE Workshop participants.

As we approach the conclusion of the project on December 31, 2023, this final international workshop had three primary objectives: 
  • To share experiences from the first edition of the ELSE training;
  • To introduce perspectives for the future, including the continuation and dissemination of the ELSE Project and the Decommissioning Management and Leadership for Safety Education (DMaLSE) Project (2023 – 2026);
  • To identify new research avenues and foster further cooperation between universities, industry experts, and regulatory bodies in the field of safety management and leadership for safety. 
Find our latest report here : Report of the Final International Workshop 2023 and the following presentations made by some of the participants: The workshop brought together a total of 31 participants, comprising : 12 academics specializing in leadership for safety or related topics, 7 nuclear industry experts, 12 members of the ELSE team supplemented by the DMaLSE team. 

DANIEL Carole (SKEMA Business School, France), STEINMETZ Hans-Jürgen (FH Aachen, Germany), BELLINGAN Nancy (PhD Candidate, FH Aachen, Germany), PORET Céline (Researcher, IRSN, France), MARTINEZ-CORCOLES Mario (IDOCAL, University of Valencia, Spain), FARJOUN Moshe (Schulich School of Business, York, UK), GROTE Gudela (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), KUDESIA Ravi S (Temple University Fox School of Business, USA), PILBEAM Colin (Cranfield University, UK), POTOCNIK Kristina (University of Edinburgh Business School, UK), FLIN Rhona (Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, UK), MOTET Gilles (INSA Toulouse, France).

Nuclear sector experts

LOUVAT Didier  (Expert Independent, France), AMALBERTI René (FonCSI, France), LEMAIRE Philippe (ENGIE, Belgium), MORACHO RAMIREZ Maria (IAEA, Austria), ERMINE Jean-Louis (Institut Mines-Telecom, France), NYS Vincent (FANC, Belgium), IVANOVA Tatiana (Division of Nuclear Science Nuclear Energy Agency, France). 

European Commission

PINSOLLE Xavier, the Project Manager of Nuclear Safety and Safeguards at DG International Partnerships, Unit F1, Brussels/Belgium. 

ELSE and DMaLSE Project team members

DANIEL Pierre (SKEMA Business School, France), RIDAO CABRERIZO Joseph (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany, KAMINSKA Renata (SKEMA Business School, France), ROUBY Evelyne (UniCA, France), THOMAS Catherine (UniCA, France), GUNTZBURGER Yoann (SKEMA Business School, France), KRASNOPEVTSEVA  Natalia (UniCA, France), SECCHI Saveria (UniCA, France), PILIUHINA Kateryna (ENEN, Belgium), REPUSSARD Jacques (IRSN, Chair of ELSE Steering Committee, France), BARSKE Jenna (UniCA, France), TAFAJ Xhensila (UniCA, France). 

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Logos ELSE