European Leadership for Safety Education

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Logos ELSE

The ELSE project aims to develop an innovative science-based approach for advanced education in the domain of leadership for safety.


Please find our latest news:

  • The face-to-face session of the second ELSE training edition will take place at the EUR ELMI faculty in Nice from September 2 to 13, 2024. This session will host twenty trainees selected from fourteen INSC countries, and one from Europe. The two-week training will be conducted by our pedagogical team, composed of top international researchers and nuclear industry experts.
  • In the context of the ENEN Association Special Event, which was held in Brussels on February 29th, 2024, Karima Abidat (SKEMA Business School) presented the content, objectives and future prospects of the ELSE Project. Around 100 #nuclear professionals convened to discuss this year's theme, which focused on "Nuclear Skills in Europe – the impact of Education and Training."
  • We would like to inform you that the application period for the upcoming ELSE training session has now concluded. We extend our gratitude to all who have submitted their applications requests. Our team will commence the review of all applications received shortly.
  • Following the success of the first 2022-2023 edition of the ELSE training, we are pleased to announce that applications for the upcoming ELSE training session, scheduled to commence in 2024, are now OPEN! The application deadline is February 29, 2024. For more information about the recruitment process, please visit: ELSE Diploma Training - Université Côte d'Azur (
  • The ELSE project team had the pleasure to organise the ELSE final international workshop, which took place in Nice on June 13 and 14, 2023. For more information about the final international workshop, please visit :
  • From June 12th to 23rd, 2023, the ELSE project had the pleasure to welcome in Nice the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) School on Nuclear and Radiological Leadership for Safety. The purpose of this collaboration is to reinforce the complementarity between the two leadership for safety events, the ELSE training and the IAEA School You can find out more about this event, here: IAEA - Building the New Generation of Leaders for Nuclear Safety .
  • The Université Côte d'Azur proposes to partner universities to develop a Master module, based on the ELSE syllabus. => Master Module proposition
  • This newly published ELSE MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) was elaborated by an international team of professors and experts, world class specialists in their field to offer you an insight, informed by the most recent findings of social and management sciences, into the key concepts and main challenges of leadership for safety. If you what to know more, take a look of ELSE MOOC Teaser and join ELSE MOOC. The ELSE MOOC is now available free of charge by following this link ( or by scanning QR code: 
  • ELSE project is happy to inform about Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva's successful PhD thesis defence. Particular thanks to the PhD supervisors - Catherine Thomas and Renata Kaminska- and to the jury committee - Benoit Journé, Kristina Potočnik, David Denyer, and Jacques Repussard.
    Thesis "Challenges of Developing Leadership for Safety in High-Risk Industries: An Organizational Approach. The case of the nuclear sector." is available to download following this link.
  • First ELSE face-to-face training session has been held in September 5-16, 2022 in Nice. Thank you to the pedagogical team and trainees!
ELSE training poster
ELSE training poster
  • ELSE Project team is happy to present you new ELSE Poster: click the link to download


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