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Logos ELSE


Leadership for safety capability is coming up as a key professional requirement for managers with responsibilities for safety in industry sectors characterized by inherent organisational complexity and high levels of regulation, such as the nuclear sector.

This newly published MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) was developed in the frame of the EU funded ELSE Project, to offer you an insight, informed by the most recent findings of social and management sciences, into the key concepts and main challenges of leadership for safety.  The ELSE MOOC is elaborated by an international team of professors and experts, world class specialists in their field and addresses a significant part of the theoretical knowledge of the ELSE curriculum. 
                                                         ELSE MOOC Teaser 

Leadership for safety is  defined as a process of influencing behavior so it meets the expectations of safety management. As the process of influence is embedded in an organizational context, the ability to exercise this process of leadership depends on the understanding of: the expectations of safety management, the organizational dynamics, and the process of influence itself (e.g., the leadership process). This MOOC will help you to better understand these three themes, that contribute to the development and implementation of effective leadership for safety. This MOOC consists of four complementary e-learning units, Units 1 & 2 introduce the key concepts; units 3 & 4 the key challenges. Each unit requires approximately 2,5 screen-days of attendance.  

For further information, please read the General ELSE MOOC introduction.

The ELSE MOOC is available free of charge.

This MOOC is implemented in partnership with INSA (Institut National des sciences appliquées, University of Toulouse, France) using innovative pedagogical and multimedia tools. 

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LOGO insa

 The ELSE  MOOC is now available by following this link 
(https://seamonline.insa-toulouse.fr/mod/page/view.php?id=5965) or by scanning QR code:



MOOC Content

This state-of-the-art MOOC introduces key concepts of the ELSE training.
The following table details the key concepts studied in Units 1 and 2:

Unit 1: Management and leadership for safety: key concepts - Part 1

1. Managing safety: an evolving problematic
2. Different types of risk: a technical approach
3. Organizational structure and design

Unit 2: Management and leadership for safety : key concepts - Part 2

1. Safety culture
2. Leadership
3. Fostering learning in organizations: knowledge and learning
4. International safety standards

The following table details the key challenges studied in Units 3 and 4:

Unit 3: Management and leadership for safety: key challenges - Part 1

1. Management of paradoxes
2. Ethics and Risks Management
3. Building high reliability organizations: from anticipation to resilience 


Unit 4: Management and leadership for safety: key challenges - Part 2

1. Dealing with uncertainty in a collective manner: collective cognition
2. Individual factors of dealing with uncertainty
3. Uncertainty, complexity, and organizational limits – implications for safety
4. Leadership for safety in day-to-day practices