- Academic Conferences
Academic conferences with accepted presentation Date
2024 (1) XVIIth colloquium of the Association for Knowledge Management in Society and Organisations
Paper presentation: "Organisational Resilience and Knowledge Management"
29-31 June, 2024
Paris, France
Catherine Thomas, Evelyne Rouby, Renata Kaminska
2023 (3) EGOS European Groupe for Organisational Studies 2023
Paper presentation: “Developing resilience in high risk and regulated environment: dangers of overpassing organisational limits of managerial actions”
6-8 July, 2023Online/Cagliari (Italy)
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
5th Paper Development Workshop in Organisation and Management Studies for Advanced PhD Students and Early Career Scholars in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CESEE)
Paper presentation:“Dangers of overpassing organisational limits of managerial actions: the challenge of developing resilience in a high-risk and regulated environment”
29 June-01 July, 2023
Online/Split (Croatia)
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva
XVI Colloquium AGeCSO: "La gestion des connaissances, un tremplin pour faire face aux défis actuels?" (Sub-theme: "Résilience organisationnelle et gestion des connaissances")
Paper presentation: “Former à la mindfulness individuelle et collective pour développer la résilience proactive”3-5 May, 2023
Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska, Evelyne Rouby
2021 (7) Colloquium ESREL. European Safety and Reliability Conference
Paper presentation: “Resilience and organisational limits in the high-risk nuclear industry context”19-23 September, 2021 Angers, France
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska BAM (British Academy of Management) 2021 Conference “Recovering from Covid” (Sub-themes: Decision-Making Under Uncertainty; Leadership and Leadership Development)
Paper accepted (1): “The role of leadership for resilience: challenges of sensegiving and sensemaking across organisational levels” ; Paper accepted (2): “Capturing the Unobservable: Uncovering Mechanisms of Leadership as Process through a Critical Realist Lens”31 August-03 September 2021
Online due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
37th EGOS Colloquium “Organising for an Inclusive Society: Meanings, Motivations, and Mechanisms” (Sub-theme 58: Organising in an Era of Riskification)
Paper accepted: “Resilience and organisational limits in the high-risk nuclear industry context”
08-10 July 2021
Online due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
EURAM (European Academy of Management) 2021 Conference “Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world” (SIG 09- Organisational Behaviour-Leadership), Montréal, Canada
Paper presentation: “Leadership for safety and resilience: challenges of sensemaking across organisational levels”
16-18 June 2021
Online due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
9th SKEMA KTO Paper Development Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Paper presentation: “The role of leadership for resilience: challenges of sensegiving and sensemaking across organisational levels”
09-10 June, 2021
Hybrid due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
XXX Conference AIMS « Le management stratégique à l’épreuve des grands défis mondiaux » (Sub-theme: Nouvelles approches de l’incertitude: construction, Outils et dynamiques collectives)
Paper accepted: “Unintended cascading effects of expanding organisational limits for resilience: lessons from the nuclear industry”
01 – 04 June, 2021
Online due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
XIV Colloquium AGeCSO “La resilience entre objet de recherche et pratique” (Sub-theme : KM et Résilience Organisationnelle), Chambon-sur-Lac, France
Paper accepted: “Leadership for Resilience and Safety Management: Crossing Perspectives on Individual and Collective Tensions in the Nuclear Industry”
18-20 May, 2021
Hybrid due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
2020 (4) ESREL Conference. The conference combines the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Venice, Italy
Paper accepted: “The dynamics of safety risk perception in high reliability organisations”
21-26 June, 2020 postponed to 02-05 November 2020
Online due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
36th EGOS Colloquium 2020. Sub-theme 19: Collective Action in Crisis?, Hambourg, Germany
Paper accepted: “Simple rules, heuristics and the attentional frontier reliability versus performance in French fighter pilot squadrons”
02-04 July, 2020
Online due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
AGeCSO Conference, Connaissances communes et innovations : Reconnaître les convergences, valoriser les différences, conjointement avec le 10e forum de l’innovation. Strasbourg, France
Paper sent: “A double-edged sword effect of rules in extreme contexts: the case of the day-to-day practices in a nuclear power plant”
24-26 June, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska
AIMS XXIXème Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique ; ST-AIMS 9 : Étudier la fiabilité et la résilience organisationnelles : enjeux et développements sur la performance Toulouse, France
Paper accepted “Leadership for Resilient Organising: a Critical Realist Approach to Revisit the Role of Leadership in High-Risk Organisations”. The paper was a finalist for the AIMS Best Paper Award03-05 June, 2020 Online due to COVID-19 Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Catherine Thomas, Renata Kaminska - Professional Conferences
Professional conferences with accepted presentation
2024 (8) International Conference on Enhancing Nuclear Safety and Security Through Technical and Scientific Support Organizations (TSOs): Challenges and Opportunities in a Rapidly Changing World
“Management and Leadership for Safety & Nuclear Safeguards - European Innovative Training Programmes and Education Opportunities”
02-06 December, 2024
Vienna, Austria
Yoann Guntzburger, Jacques Repussard
Global Forum on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology, and Policy – 7th Meeting of the Council of Advisors
“Management and Leadership for Safety & Nuclear Safeguards - European Innovative Training Programmes and Education Opportunities”
21-22 November, 2024
Paris, France
Yoann Guntzburger, Jacques Repussard
Congrès de maîtrise des risques et de sûreté de fonctionnement (λμ24)
“Framework of the Leadership for Safety in high-risk Organizations”
14-17 October, 2024
Bourges, France
Jacques Repussard, Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 68th General Conference
Side event on “Innovative Training Programmes and Education Opportunities for Member States”
16-20 September, 2024
Vienna, Austria
Jacques Repussard, Yoann Guntzburger, Pierre Daniel, Carole Daniel, José Ridao Cabrerizo International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management and Human Resources Development.
“Leadership dans l’industrie nucléaire”
01-02 July, 2024
Vienna, Austria
Jacques Repussard
ASN, Journée du COFSOH
“Comment agir face à la complexité?”
28 June 2024
Paris, France
Catherine Thomas
ENEN Special Event & General Assembly
“Nuclear Skills in Europe – the impact of E&T”
29 February-01 March, 2024
Brussels, Belgium
Karima Abidat
4th Security Day Event organized by the SAFE cluster at National Higher Firefighters Officers School (ENSOSP)
Presentation of ELSE and DMaLSE projects
08 February 2024
Aix-en-Provence, France
Renata Kaminska
2023 (11) IAEA, Biennial Forum of the International Decommissioning Network (IDN)
“Biennual Forum to share experience about the status and progress of the decommissioning programmes in their countries”
28-30 November, 2023
Vienna, Austria
Renata Kaminska
European Technical Safety Organisations Network
“Small Modular Reactor Technology”23-27 October, 2023
Online Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, Yoann Guntzburger
IAEA 67th General Conference
Side event “New training and education opportunities for IAEA member states in the field of leadership for safety”
25-29 September, 2023
Vienna, Austria
Renata Kaminska, Jacques Repussard, Yoann Guntzburger
ENEN 20th Anniversary Event
“Perspectives of Nuclear in Europe and how the Human Resource can cope with the foreseen demand”
22 September 2023
Brussels, Belgium Pierre Daniel, Karima Abidat
NENE2023 International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio
11-14 September, 2023
Portoroz, Slovenia
European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN)
IAEA Forum of nuclear safety regulators
"Forum to share regulatory knowledge and experience through international cooperation with the goal of achieving a high level of nuclear safety that is consistent with the IAEA safety standards"
06 July 2023 Vienna, Austria
Jacques Repussard
IAEA Working Group. Technical Working Group on Managing Human Resources and Knowledge in the Field of Nuclear Energy.
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio
22-26 May, 2023
Vienna, Austria ENEN
Black Sea Women in Nuclear Leadership Group & U.S.-Black Se Nonproliferation
Presentation of ELSE Leadership for Safety Module
10 May 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia
SNETP Coordinators Hub Day
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio
14 April 2023
Brussels, Belgium
ENEN Special Event 2023
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio
02 April 2023
Brussels, Belgium
Webinar Supporting Career paths in the nuclear field, ENEN
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio
10 February 2023
2022 (4) IAEA General Conference, GNSSN meeting
“IAEA and ELSE Cooperation on Leadership for Safety Education”
28 September, 2022
Renata Kaminska Jacques Repussard
ENS webinar “Aligning leadership with organizational dynamics” General Conference, GNSSN meeting
ELSE team members were invited to participate in the organizational and animation of an online ENS (European Nuclear Society) webinar with participation of IAEA and INPO
28 September, 2023
Renata Kaminska, Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva
4th IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management and Human Resource Development: Challenges and Opportunities.
Paper on leadership for safety E&T
13-16 June, 2022
Moscow, Russia
Jacques Repussard
NUCLEAR 2022 Conference, ENEN
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio18-20 May, 2022 Pitestin, Romania ENEN
2021 (9) World Nuclear Exhibition 2021
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio30 November-02 December, 2021 Villepinte, France ENEN
NESTet 2021 Conference: feedback from the session
“Leadership for safety training”17 November 2021 Online/Brussels Jacques Repussard, Didier Louvat, Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva
NESTet 2021 Conference, ENEN
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio.15-17 November, 2021 Online/Brussels ENEN
European Nuclear Society, NESTet Conference
“Leadership for safety training and education”14-18 November Online/Brussels Didier Louvat, Jacques Repussard 30th NENE Conference
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio06-09 September, 2021 Bled, Slovenia ENEN
Symposium ICSI-Foncsi
“Resistance to change, the social acceptability of acknowledging that not everything can be predicted, the lack of total control”23 June 2021 Toulouse, France Jacques Repussard Nuclear Conference 2021, ENEN
“ENEN-Education and Training initiative for the nuclear sector”28 May 2021 Online ENEN
IAEA Technical Working Group Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM)
Presentation of ELSE within ENEN projects portfolio
May 2021 Online ENEN
I2EN & Gifen Webinar
“Opportunities for studying abroad” Workshop (chairing) – Meet the nuclear energy sector”
17 April 2021 Online ELSE project team members 2020 (1) General Assembly of the European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON).
Presentation of the ELSE Project10 July 2020 Online due to COVID-19 ELSE project team members - Academic & Professional Publications
- Jubault Krasnopevtseva N., Kaminska R., Thomas C., 2025, Organizing for Resilience in High-Risk Organizations: Interplay between Managerial Coordination and Control in Resolving Stability/Flexibility Tensions in a Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 189, 02 2025, 115120. Please follow this link to read the article.
- Jubault Krasnopevtseva N., Guntzburger Y., Kaminska R., Thomas C., 2024, Building a conceptual framework of organizationally embedded tensions to enhance leadership for safety in high-risk and highly regulated organizations: A complexity leadership perspective, Safety Science, vol 177, pp.1-11.Please follow this link to read the article.
- Jubault Krasnopevtseva N. (2024) Uncovering Mechanisms of Leadership as Influence Process. Leadership During a Crisis, 1, Routledge, pp.161-188. Please follow this link .
- Natalia Jubault Krasnopevtseva, (2022) "Challenges of Developing Leadership for Safety in High-Risk Industries: An Organizational Approach. The case of the nuclear sector", HAL Science Ouverte. To read the thesis, please download this document.
- Jubault Krasnopevtseva N., Thomas C., Kaminska R. (2022) La sûreté à l’épreuve de la complexité : les limites de l’action managériale, RGN (Revue Générale Nucléaire), N 6 Une sûreté vivante et évolutive, pp.28–33. Please follow this link to read the article.
- Other Events
- The European Union and Université Côte d’Azur released the following document about the ELSE Project: ELSE project news release.