Economics & Management portal
Portal Economics Management is part of a network of universities where exchange programs are set up to allow students to study abroad. Within this framework, we welcome students selected by the partner universities, and in return, we select the candidates wishing to go on a mobility program after considering their applications.
The students doing an exchange at our institute must have a minimum level of B2 in the French language.
Please carefully consult our "Incoming Guide" where you will find all the essential information you need to know before your arrival.
- European Programs
Within the framework of European programs (ERASMUS+, EXCHANGE CREDITS...), students wishing to take part in a semester or a year of exchange must first contact the International Relations Office of their home university. After receiving the official nomination, the selected students must contact us.
- BCI, Bilateral and other programs
For international exchange programs and for non-European students, it is essential to obtain a D student visa (covering the period of study mobility) before arrival.
It is recommended to contact the International Relations Office of your home university and of our institution.