Students in the Spotlight

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Published on October 15, 2024 Updated on October 15, 2024

on the October 15, 2024

Meet Konstantin Serov, first year Data Science and AI

Originally from Saint Petersburg, Russia, Konstantin Serov holds a bachelor’s degree in Technical Physics from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and a master’s degree with honours in Innovation Entrepreneurship from ITMO University. He is now pursuing an MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Université Côte d'Azur, one of the prestigious IdEx International MSc programs. Konstantin is passionate about data analysis and hopes to work as a data or business analytics specialist in a large company. His love for problem-solving and improving processes through data-driven insights makes him a perfect fit for the field.

Why did you choose Université Côte d'Azur?

K.S: I know I can be a bit picky, but I know what I want. I wanted to study Data Science! I was also looking for courses dedicated to artificial intelligence. On top of that, I'm from northern Russia, where it's pretty cold! But I absolutely adore the sun, a warm climate, the sea and everything that the French Riviera has to offer! So Université Côte d’Azur, with its excellent programme and location, is absolutely perfect for me!

Did you prepare yourself in any special way before leaving?

K.S: When I got the email saying I'd been accepted, I immediately installed Duolingo to learn basic French. It's important to speak French at the market, on the bus, in the shops and all the other places you'd go in a day. A month before arriving, I revised some materials like Python, Maths, Algebra and Probability. I also started looking at the amazing opportunities at the universities like sport, volunteering and so on.

What were your first impressions when you arrived on the French Riviera? Did it match the image you had in your mind?

K.S: I've already had the pleasure of visiting this region, and have fallen in love with it! The location, weather, culture, festivals and opportunities here are marvellous. I'm talking about the Fête de la Musique, the Fête du Citron, the Sunday market and so much more! I honestly can't imagine my life without it. I love everything about this place – the atmosphere, the cute little cafés near the sea, the local shops with herbs, confitures and other goodies!

What advice would you give to other students considering studying at Université Côte d’Azur?

K.S: Firstly, never think you are "not good enough"! Have confidence in yourself, be prepared to work hard, to follow professors, to complete assignments, to manage your life, and French bureaucracy. Don't be afraid to ask questions to alumni, to the programme manager, to seniors, to anyone who could help. Finally, enjoy the people around you! They are going to accompany you through all of your studies and be there to support you.