Minicourse - Benjamin Favier

  • Research
Published on June 13, 2023 Updated on September 28, 2024

from June 26, 2023 to July 7, 2023

  • Lecture 1:  Th, June 27.,  11 am (Valrose, Amphi M)
  • Lecture 2:  We,  June 28.,  11am (Valrose, Amphi M)
  • Lecture 3:  Th,  July 4.,   9am (Porquerolles)

Campus Valrose

Valrose - Bâtiment M

Turbulence in geophysical fluid dynamics.

This course discusses basic concepts of turbulent flows relevant to geophysics and astrophysics. Starting from the celebrated theory of Kolmogorov valid for homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, we will consider gradually more realistic models: 2D turbulence, beta-plane turbulence, thin-layer turbulence and finally rotating and stratified turbulence.