
Ingrid Bethus
Ingrid Bethus
Ingrid Bethus is the Director of the MSc Mod4NeuCog since September 2019. She teaches the behavioral and cognitive neuroscience course. She is a researcher and professor at the Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IPMC).

Deputy director

Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
Patricia Reynaud-Bouret is the Deputy-Director of the NeuroMod Institute and led the MSc program during its first year. Patricia also teaches the mathematical courses in the program. She is Director of research at the Laboratory Jean Alexandre Dieudonné (LJAD). 

Training coordinator

Chloé Bourgeois is project manager at the NeuroMod Institute and in charge of all the administrative matters regarding the Mod4NeuCog training program (applications, internships, mini-projects, grants & financial matters, the schedule...).