About this module

The RNA molecule is the link between the genome and the proteome. Changes in its expression are in the base of many diseases. 

Through several clinical examples, the students will get familiar with the RNA world, and its impact on disease.

Learning outcomes

  • Provide the students with a basic understanding of RNA-related cellular and molecular pathways

  • Define transcriptome and why it is relevant

  • Identify pathological changes in the transcriptome

  • Introduce the main technical approaches to tackle the study of the transcriptome

Module coordinators

Pr. Dr. Enrique de Alava

More about Enrique's work in the steering committee section contenu ici

Pr. Manuel Sarmiento Soto

Saisissez ici le contenu ici

Pr. Pablo Huertas

Pablo Huertas is Professor of Genetics at the University of Seville,
His teaching focusses on human genetics for degrees in Biomedicine, Biochemistry and Biology.
He is an internationally recognized specialist in the DNA repair field and its connection with human diseases, mainly cancer and rare human syndromes.
He has a strong background expertise in DNA and RNA metabolism.
He was selected as a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Young Investigator Program.

Disclaimer: Hours and module information are provisional and are subject to change