Campuses and Schedule

Campuses and Schedule

The European MSc in Molecular Pathology is delivered using an approach based on blended learning. This means there will be a mixture of distance/self-paced and on-site teaching. On-site teaching will take place in some of the universities involved in the program.
In year 1, the on-site teaching will amount to approximately 15 working days, divided into 3 blocks.
In year 2, there will be approximately 8 days of on-site teaching divided into 2 blocks.
Within 2 years, students will have to commit to a total of approximately 23 days of on-site teaching.

Additionally, students will be required to complete a 6-week internship each year.

Timetable - 2023-2025 Class

Year 1:

Year 2:

Graduate ceremony:
  • 12 December 2025, Nice, France

Timetable - 2024-2026 Class

Year 1:

Year 2:

Timetable - 2025-2027 Class

Year 1:

Year 2: