Discover climate solutions at TedxCannes !

Published on November 22, 2023 Updated on July 19, 2024

on the November 24, 2023

From 13:30 to 18:00

On November 24th, three researchers funded by the IdEx will present their work on environmental topics !

TedxCannes will take place at the Théâtre Croisette JW Marriott Cannes on November 24th from 13:30 to 18:00.

The event will be dedicated to climate solutions and inspiring life stories that resonate with the environmental crisis.

To attend the event or follow the day online, follow this link

Three female researchers supported by idex will speak about their careers and their projects.

Francesca Casagli

Digital explorer of environmental biotechnologies

Francesca Casagli is a specialist in the mathematical modelling of innovative biotechnologies in the field of wastewater depollution, resource recovery and renewable energy sources, using artificial intelligence. She is a permanent researcher at the Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur.

Justine Lipuma

Entrepreneur for the future of soils

Revolutionising agriculture: this is the idea that inspired Justine Lipuma to launch a start-up committed to serving the soil and farmers, which has received support from the Université Côte d'Azur's Initiative d'Excellence innovation programme. This industrial DeepTech uses mycorrhizal fungi as natural fertilisers that help plants adapt to drought problems by reducing their need for chemical fertilisers.

Lucie Monticelli

Researcher and start-up co-founder

Lucie Monticelli is an ecology researcher specialising in biocontrol. She worked for 8 years at INRAE before setting up her own company, which was supported by the innovation programme of the Université Côte d'Azur's Initiative d'Excellence. Her aim is to develop natural, effective solutions to help farmers combat crop pests in a sustainable way.

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