June 4 and 5, 2025: Getting to grips with AI and its deployment challenges in the workplace

June 4 and 5, 2025 (Sophia Antipolis), by Université Côte d'Azur

Would you like to develop an informed perspective on the transformations brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, for your own work as well as in your corporate or public service strategy?

Come and train for 2 days at Université Côte d'Azur!

The course is taught by teacher-researchers specializing in artificial intelligence: Lise Arena, a university lecturer in management science, Gérald Gaglio, university lecturer in sociology, Lucile Sassatelli, university lecturer in computer science.

I want to register


Modern artificial intelligence (AI) is a collection of major advances in applied mathematics, statistics and computer science. This field is bringing new tools and applications that are having a growing impact on professional practices and society as a whole. This module is not a prompt engineering course. Nor does it aim to teach the technical specifics of AI, but to help you understand the underlying concepts (what's in the black box?), so that you can develop a critical mind and make informed decisions about the use you wish to make (or not make) of these AI tools, particularly generative AI.

At the end of this module, you will be able to :
  • Analyze and contextualize the capabilities and limitations of current AI tools (explicability issues, biases), integrating an understanding of the scientific, political, societal and environmental issues surrounding these technologies.
  • To apprehend the impact and challenges of adopting AI tools in individual and collective work: how they possibly help, modify professional practices, and/or pose new problems.
  • To decide, in the light of the latest scientific knowledge in computer science and the Human and Social Sciences, if, when and how to use AI tools.

Target skills

  • Report on the capabilities and limitations of current AI tools in your professional practice.
  • Understand the impact of AI on individuals, organizations, society and the environment.
  • Develop a critical mindset about the use (one's own, that of others) of AI tools, integrating the values of responsibility and ethics.
  • Decipher the challenges of deploying a local LLM solution in a public or private company, and understand what questions to ask and how to answer them.


Wednesday, June 4 and Thursday, June 5, 2025


Campus SophiaTech (Sophia Antipolis)

Language of training



1000 € HT / person (for two days)
Company agreements possible
Public bodies: contact us

Target audience

Public or private sector executives (managers, project managers, project leaders)


Be working or looking for work
No scientific prerequisites

Detailed program

Day 1 morning (9:00 am - 1:00 pm), Pr. Lucile Sassatelli
  • What is AI? Where does it come from? What's the project?
  • AI for image recognition
  • Simple practice in creating a set of images and training with examples of bias 
Day 1 afternoon (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm), Pr. Gérald Gaglio

Use case of an artificial intelligence decision support system for radiologists, revealing the complexity of the impact on real processes and putting it into perspective in relation to the learners' professional activity.

Day 2 morning (9:00 am - 12:00 pm), Pr. Lucile Sassatelli  
  • Principle of generative AI and LLMs: assumptions and weaknesses (bias, reasoning), deployment methods (RAG)
  • Practice weaknesses and feedback on current learner usage
Day 2 afternoon (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm), Pr. Lise Arena
  • Reflections / courses of action on integrating AI into organizations' digital strategy and/or setting up an AI project in your organization
  • Review of projects/initiatives in learners' organizations and putting them into perspective
I want to take part in the training


Do you have any questions? Contact us by e-mail at EFELIA.formation@univ-cotedazur.fr.