This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 847581. It has been co-funded by the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and IDEX UCAJEDI.
+ 45 advisors
15 doctoral candidates
+ 10 nationalities represented
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June 28, 2023Join BoostUrCAreer Doctoriales 2023! -
- Student life
April 19, 2023The Couveuse 06 Nice, Startair Initiative and the FFPLUM PACA Regional Committee, offered to the winners and "coup de coeur" project of our Creathon in e-health, a wonderful experience in the air! -
- Research
July 5, 2022The BoostUrCAreer Doctoriales 2022 are over. Thank you to all of our speakers and attendees for making this event a success. See you next year!
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