About this module
This course will first introduce the basic elements of Earth Sciences which are a prerequisite for seismic hazard studies. A special focus will be put on the behavior of active faults which are at the origin of major earthquakes.
The course will continue with the fundamental aspects of earthquake and tsunami hazard assessment. Then, different approaches allowing to anticipate ground shaking caused by earthquakes will be presented (early warning systems, prevision/simulation of ground motion).
This will be followed by the introduction of methods allowing assessment of the impact of earthquakes, as well as approaches which can be used to mitigate those effects. Finally, case studies will be used for practical exercises and project development.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- describe the fundamental processes giving rise to earthquakes and tsunamis
- analyse and map the seismic risk for a region
- develop a land planning mitigation strategy
Learning approach
This module is project-oriented and includes a mixture of theory and practical work.
Theory: Fundamental Processes, Mitigation Strategies, Early Warning Systems.
Practical work: Case Studies.
Topics Covered
- Basic notions of Earth Sciences required for earthquakes hazard studies (Geology and Seismology)
- Active (seismogenic) faults
- Seismic and tsunami hazards, methods of assessment
- Prevision / simulation of earthquake shaking and early warning systems
- Mitigation: from building/structure response to risk assessment
- Case studies
Module Head
Bertrand DELOUIS
Professor of Earth Sciences at Université Côte d'Azur specializing in seismology.
Head of the Géoazur Observatory center.
Research center for studies
and expertise on risks,
environment, mobility and
land use planning (CEREMA)
Université Côte d'Azur
French National Centre for
Scientific Research (CNRS)
Research center for studies
and expertise on risks,
environment, mobility and
land use planning (CEREMA)