Alejandra, MSc RISKS
Being awarded the IDEX scholarship was very meaningful for me. Firstly, because it is a financial relief that helped me reduce the burden of the student loan I hold, which translated into less time spent on side jobs to cover my living expenses. Secondly, it allowed me to have extra time to take care of my mental and physical health and focus more on my studies. This, together with the appreciation of my effort and results achieved during the first year of the MSc and BSc, encouraged me to maintain my best performance and try to be helpful to my classmates, especially in times of increased workload. Finally, being recognized as a student of excellence opened other doors for me to represent my University in both local and international forums, giving me the opportunity to expand my professional networks, enforce links with other Universities and students, and gain first-hand access to the state of the art in my field. I could not be more grateful and happy for this opportunity provided by Université Cote d'Azur and the IDEX initiative.
Martina, MSc Affluencers and Luxury Business
Ružica, MSc Biobanks and Mangement of Complex Data
The contribution of the scholarship significantly decreased the financial burden for me and my family, allowing me to fully focus on my internship and studies. I am aware of the privilege of studying abroad and that is why I am thankful for the opportunity to learn, grow and educate myself at one of the best universities in France. I feel like this experience didn’t only enrich me in the professional domain, but it also significantly contributed to my personal development. What means the most is the touch with French language and opportunity to learn it and practice it firsthand. Having enough free time enabled me to participate in activities that introduced me to French culture and life and substantially improved my French.