Participant with abstract submission

"IMPORTANT : Please note that only the author actually presenting the abstract should submit an abstract through this application form as ‘Participant with abstract submission’. If you are a co-author on an abstract but do not present the poster nor give the presentation then you need register through the alternative application form as ‘Participant with no abstract’.

APPLICATION FORM : Participant with abstract submission (for oral presentation or poster: only 1 application per abstract)

SIGNALIFE member ? You are a SIGNALIFE member if you belong to one of the 56 following Labex Teams * (*)

I agree that any photographs of me taken during this SIGNALIFE meeting may be published by the Organizing Committee on the SIGNALIFE Website ONLY and I hereby consent to and authorize such use ** (*)

enter the word in the caption

* You are a SIGNALIFE member if you belong to one of the 50 following Labex Teams

Abad, Antonny, Arkowitz, Auberger, Barbry, Bardoni, Barès, Bertolotto/Ballotti, Besse, Boyer, Braendle, Braud/Anjuère, Chaboissier, Collombat, Cristofari, Dani, Delaunay, Descombes, Feral, Franco/Luton, Frendo, Fürthauer, Gilson, Glaichenhaus, Gouzé Jean-Luc, Gual, Harayama, Hofman, Hubstenberger, Hudry, Hueber, Lalli, Lambeau, Liti, Marie/Barik, Martin, Nahon, Noselli, Panabieres, Poirie, Rauzi, Ricci, Romero, Röttinger, Schedl, Shkreli, Studer, Tanti/Cormont, Tartare-Deckert/Deckert, Therond, Trabucchi, Trompouki, Van Obberghen-Schilling, Yvan-Charvet

* *  In case of disagreement, please contact directly the Organizing Committee.