12-13 November 2024 – Saint Paul Hôtel*, Nice
The Labex SIGNALIFE community is happy to welcome all scientists from Nice and the Côte d’Azur region to the 6th SIGNALIFE meeting on Cell Signaling.
During this meeting, 6 distinguished invited lecturers and local scientists will discuss cutting edge research in cell signaling encompassed in the 5 research axis studied by the SIGNALIFE program :
- Cellular architecture of signaling pathways ;
- Plasticity and Signaling ;
- Stress Signaling ;
- Signaling in aging and disease progression ;
- New principles in signaling and applications.
The attendance at the meeting will be limited to 150 participants (first to register, with priority to participants with abstracts) including 20 speakers and 40 poster presenters. Four Meeting prizes of 300 €/each will be attributed (3 for best posters and 1 for the best Oral communication).
The conference is organized by members of the Signalife network, which includes 6 local research institutes (iBV, IPMC, IRCAN, C3M, ISA, Inria) and 8 institutions (UniCA, CNRS, Inserm, INRAE, Inria, Nice CHU, CAL).
Meeting attendance is free of charge and open to SIGNALIFE and non SIGNALIFE members from the Côte d'Azur laboratories. We strongly encourage PhD students and young researchers to participate. |