The DMaLSE international workshop took place in Nice from 19.-21 June 2024. It aims to establish the syllabus of the DMaLSE training by exploring the state of the art in the field of complex project management, leadership for safety, knowledge management, and ethics & stakeholder engagement and discussing the implications for decommissioning projects.
More specifically it aims to:  

  • Help identify the existing knowledge, challenges and stakeholder expectations related to Management and Leadership in decommissioning projects, to discuss the implications in terms of safety and to help design a training programme for managers and students
  • Forster research collaborations between scientists in different disciplines and nuclear decommissioning experts to guarantee a continual development of knowledge on management and leadership for safety in the context of nuclear decommissioning.  

11 experts and 9 academics from 11 different European countries participated in this workshop and contributed to make the DMaLSE training elaboration as adapted as possible to the current needs of managers and other actors involved in highly sensitive decommissioning projects.

To find out more about the methodology used for the elaboration of the DMaLSE syllabus and the conclusions the team draw from this fruitful workshop, please find here the full report: